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Fancy Plate (Mith)
Either the fancy plate arms are not at the same layer as the regular plate arms,


the fancy plate chest is not at the same layer as the normal plate chest


something else is going on cuz this does not look right:
So the problem is definitely with the fancy plate arms and not the chest. However, I've compared them to the normal plate arms and I can't find any difference! Their layers are the same, all of their props are the same. Very mysterious. I will look into this a little more later.
Fixed for next update. I don't know what was up with the arms layer, but I moved it up a layer, made sure it still counted as arms armor, and now it's fine.
This change had to be reverted because it was allowing the arms to sit at a non-armor layer which was allowing AR stacking outside of design. We are going to put this back as a bug, and tag Sicarious to see if its a tile data issue.
This is still broken. I tested on the new High Seas Client, and BOTH plate arms are on the ARMs layer, but the fancy arms do not layer ONTOP of the fancy plate like the normal arms do.

Update: I'm 99% sure this is a client issue. I noticed that leather/studded arms go UNDER chest armor while plate arms go OVER. I downloaded the ClassicUO source, and found this in file "PaperdollInteractable.cs":

bool switch_arms_with_torso = mobile.Equipment[(int) Layer.Arms] != null && mobile.Equipment[(int) Layer.Arms].Graphic == 0x1410;

for (int i = 0; i < layers.Length; i++)
Layer layer = layers[i];

if (switch_arms_with_torso)
if (layer == Layer.Arms)
layer = Layer.Torso;
else if (layer == Layer.Torso)
layer = Layer.Arms;

0x1410 is the... *drum roll* NORMAL PLATE ARMS. So the client is specifically putting the normal plate arms on top, all other arms underneath.
Ok, I am already doing some client changes for the new spell casting, I will add this to the list of changes so that the fancy arms are treated the same way as the plate arms
Please verify this is fixed after the 07/15/20 update
fixed and archived
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