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Question about Grimmwold's lore (races)
As i have never played Grimmwold before, i have a few questions about the races. Some descriptions are very short, and i would need the help of the players who are used to Grimmwold.

In the perspective of Grimmwold's lore, what can you tell me about :
- Witches (human group)
- Shade (human group)
- Daimon (summons & constructs)
- Blackthorn (summons & constructs)
- Doppleganger (summons & constructs)
- Clockwork (summons & constructs)

Aslo, every advices and suggestions about roleplaying one of these creatures are very welcome !
Thank you very much in advance for your help Smile
Witches were the mage-equivalent, but they had a unique flavor to the RP. Mostly just 'magic-attuned human' in essence.

Shade= semi-corporeal ghost. Dead person still walkin' around, but not like, rotting zombie/true 'undead'.

The rest of them weren't really part of Grimmwold, they are just available graphics ideas that fit under 'summons and constructs'.
Are you asking about the playable races listed on the wiki, Xath?

The current iteration of the server is called Sanctuary, not Grimmwold, and the races and lore were a bit different for that world.
To expand of what Cele said...

A lot of people in this world are also from random other fantasy/medieval worlds... so there might be 50 types of goblins and 50 different types of goblin cultures.

Same goes for any race, humans, elves, dragons. The lore is really what you make it in regards to what world/lore you come from. It doesn't even need to be an Ultima shard, or one of Lara's shards.
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