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Edward Haverston
Discord Id - Lex#1806

Previous Characters - Arthur Mcstorm Sanctuary, Edward McStorm Grimmwold
Character Name -Edward Haverston
Character Race & Sub-Race- Demi-human, subrace - Lycan (Werewolf) 
Alternate Graphic - Cu Sidhe or wolf graphic, darker red in color 
Character Description - 5'11", Dark Red hair cropped short to his skull, dark red beard trimmed and neat in appearance. The right side of face scarred, right eye white from lack of sight. After being bitten by a Black full blood Lycanthrope, He retains the elongated upper and lower canines, the slight ability of heightened hearing smell and sight. Deeply Inquisitive. 
Shard Plot Line - Knowledge is power, its use can either win or lose a battle and finding it is his goal. Edward is a Librarian trained in the pursuit and preservation of current and ancient knowledge, with the emphasis on interpretation and study for the betterment and advancement of those he serves, or the denial exploitation by their enemies. 
Special Role-play Ability- Blight touch - Edward keeps his hands covered at all times, if not his touch causes items, objects even potentially flesh to deteriorate and decay, eventually withering and crumbling into dust. 
Previous World - Late Middle Ages, alternative history Earth where the Templar Knights actually were worshipping other diety's and experimenting with ancient archaic objects and knowledge. 
Backstory - Born the son of a pig farmer, sent to be a soldier in the Holy Templar Army during the crusades, he strived to better himself and his families station. Learning to read and write as was required of all soldiers of the Templars, he showed above par capability of understanding ancient languages and text. 

This brought attention upon him from the Grand Master Librarian, who enrolled him as a Novice within the orders Library, its purpose to gather, catalog, learn and protect ancient artifacts and texts with archaic magic ability. The soul intent for them to be put to the grand purpose of the Templars. 

During his seventh year of Novice ship, his final trial as a Novice he was tasked with leading an expedition into the elder woods to the north of his chapters headquarters. There was rumored within a tome that held ancient histories of the "wolf people". 

The expedition took twelve days of hard riding and exploration. The local wild people were not friendly to the Templars and often would ambush they caravan. Edward grew further disturbed as they road deeper into the Elder woods, listening at night to the strange whispering in ancient tongues that only he seemed to understand. They whispered of ancient secrets.. of lies, treachery, deceit. 

They spoke of the truth of the wolf, the truth of the Templar and their ways corrupted by greed. 

By the third night of no sleep and the constant bombardment of voices, Edward was on the edge of sanity.. and that's when they attacked. Howling from the tree's and darkness razor-sharp claws and teeth ripping and sundering flesh and bone. Destroying armor, scattering men and horses.. 

Edward woke laying back against a tree his face ripped open, blood covering his body, a deep bite in his left bicep, his right eye hanging from his skull. They crouched around him watching.. heads cocking to and fro. 

"Fear not... Edward... it is now your time to take your thirst for knowledge and truth.. and aid others... you will be as one of us. And it will hurt." He never saw who it was that spoke.. all he could remember was a blinding flash of pain as his body arched and the sound of ripping ... metal?

He blacked out from the pain. only to awake in a strange land that was not his own. 
Thumbs up.
Great story, thumbs up!

[Image: Raewyn-Signiture.jpg]
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