Discord Id -
Previous Characters
Character Name -
Tar Gwanur
Character Race & Sub-Race-
Sub-race: Spirit
Alternate Graphic
A wisp – Gwanur has earn the blessing of the Goddess and trade his frail body to become a spirit to better serve his goddess
Character Description -
Gwanur was once a normal elf, but had his natural features altered by his pact with the spirit of the forest
Tall for an elf, around 6’10’’. Has a light brown skin, green eyes and hair that drapes over his shoulders down to the waist, adorned with feathers, claws, fangs and leaf. His body is marked with countless tribal tattoos of a variety of animals representing the great spirits: snake, ent, panther, bear, eagle and many others.
Shard Plot Line (Strengths & Weaknesses)-
Gwanur was a sage with the task to protect the Great Forest, and guide her children. Now he protect the spirits, fauna and flora alike. Since he is bound to the natural world, he Lacks social skills and etiquette putting himself in awkward even dangerous situations
Special Role-play Ability-
He is a forest priest who for the better part of his life, lived within the forest with only animals as company. Gwanur is connected with the spiritual world and for the gift of the wild can walk among the forest dwellers like one of their own.
Previous World
His home world was a place with many conflicts between the human and the eldar races. In this world, he came from the Great Forest, a sentient godlike forest who protect and is protected by the wood-elfs, an elven race born within the forest and the only humanoid race capable of entering it.
Backstory -
Gwanur was a Druid. An elven priest of the forest with the task to hear her whispers, guide his people and use the gifts of the spirits to call then for aid and take the form of animals and fey to protect the forest . He lived a dutiful life and as a gift from the Goddess, lost his week physical body and became a spirit to better fulfil his duty. Until one night, when following a foreign mist through the forest he found himself in an unknown land called Raeyithia
Previous Characters
Character Name -
Tar Gwanur
Character Race & Sub-Race-
Sub-race: Spirit
Alternate Graphic
A wisp – Gwanur has earn the blessing of the Goddess and trade his frail body to become a spirit to better serve his goddess
Character Description -
Gwanur was once a normal elf, but had his natural features altered by his pact with the spirit of the forest
Tall for an elf, around 6’10’’. Has a light brown skin, green eyes and hair that drapes over his shoulders down to the waist, adorned with feathers, claws, fangs and leaf. His body is marked with countless tribal tattoos of a variety of animals representing the great spirits: snake, ent, panther, bear, eagle and many others.
Shard Plot Line (Strengths & Weaknesses)-
Gwanur was a sage with the task to protect the Great Forest, and guide her children. Now he protect the spirits, fauna and flora alike. Since he is bound to the natural world, he Lacks social skills and etiquette putting himself in awkward even dangerous situations
Special Role-play Ability-
He is a forest priest who for the better part of his life, lived within the forest with only animals as company. Gwanur is connected with the spiritual world and for the gift of the wild can walk among the forest dwellers like one of their own.
Previous World
His home world was a place with many conflicts between the human and the eldar races. In this world, he came from the Great Forest, a sentient godlike forest who protect and is protected by the wood-elfs, an elven race born within the forest and the only humanoid race capable of entering it.
Backstory -
Gwanur was a Druid. An elven priest of the forest with the task to hear her whispers, guide his people and use the gifts of the spirits to call then for aid and take the form of animals and fey to protect the forest . He lived a dutiful life and as a gift from the Goddess, lost his week physical body and became a spirit to better fulfil his duty. Until one night, when following a foreign mist through the forest he found himself in an unknown land called Raeyithia