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Starter Bag Stuff (Lyrrin)
    So i logged in and had what seems to maybe be a true black colored dye tub and one with some sparkly neon and black and green and red dye tub.  I asked and Sahure also had these dye tubs so unsure this is meant to be or what but seems to be in the generic login right now.

From Lara:
Lyrrin this is probably part of the starter bag code.  Lets disable any dye tubs so its not adding tubs with hues we don't have, and lets use this thread to figure out what we want to start them with.  

I'm thinking

Gold. Smile

[Image: Wyldeheart.jpg]
I haven't seen anything in the starter bags that I think we need to worry about, anyone else?
I think this may have been from the dye tub or other items in the bank during testing. We all had a lot of stuff to tinker with, before the shard was wiped and went live.
Only thing not skill based between my two chars was the newbie ticket on the first char. Otherwise all looked good.
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