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Application for Mugwort Muddlemire
Discord Id -Aravan
Previous Characters Soo many.. aravan, tirian, lucien, mugwort, revan, teregus, tsura.. currently playing naoko and rajiv 
Character Name -Mugwort Muddlemire
Character Race & Sub-Race- Muiri - fentad/imp 
Alternate Graphic imp/fentad
Character Description - about 2 feet tall, a luminous almost hypnotic amber gaze blinking at you, wide bug eyed with small dagger like teeth-- grinning impishly. smells rather salty and boggish. Green and wet scaled with a yellow inner scale of his wing like ears. Slightly webbed hands and feet.   facial features can appear rather innocent and childlike though that is probably just a form of glamour. other times can appear rather menacing all shifting with the chaotic energy and mood swings that is mugwort. can be seen carryng a small satchel time to time.
his voice is warbled and croaking like a school girl swallowed a toad. 
if in "human" form he appears about 5'4, appears child like or teenaged yet with a dramatic gauntness that shade's his complexion a few years in a rather unhuman way. Similar charm. Scent. Speech is a bit smoother and snide. Webbing and coloring much less apparant though one might notice a sharpness to his teeth, ears, tongue, and a swampy pallidness to his complexion.
Shard Plot Line (Strengths & Weaknesses)-Mugwort is a literal quagmire. looking to stir up some jovial conflict with Mugwort.. he was always rather playful even if that would get him to trouble it always seemed to stir up some rp. Used to worship the blood god maybe will bring that devotion into this world.. also lived in mirkwater. Not sure if that is an option for housing but would be down to stir some player conflict with mirkwater vs duinan or something.. open to suggestions from staff to where would be best fit for current plot line.  Or just be simple situational conflict when we need sparks of rp encounters. 
Special Role-play Ability-Mugwort has a way of enchanting/hypnotizing/bewitching other characters. Even if he is a complete selfish pest, or a straight up demon. He always seems to get out of trouble with his hypnotic gaze. That degree of charm seems to go beyond usual glamour. Usually works better on women than on men. 
Previous World- Grimmwold
Backstory - Mugwort was a native fen tad to Grimmwold who just arrived to Sanctuary. Looking for his usual satisfaction of momentary pleasures. It's not easy being green and Mugwort is a true hedonist. A savage prankster who loves a good riddle or making any kind of bets or deals. Worships nature sacrificially through his witchcraft. Used to be devotee of blood god- not sure that would come here or remain in his old world. He is a literal quagmire. A being of ceaseless desire even if it is idle like tongue tying a random woman while she spins some thread or cooking a batch of fish head soup or cursing a man who is fishing in his favorite pond with uncontrollable vomiting. Loves to seek out those of the arcane or esoteric arts for bets and deals and favoritism.
Please be advised, that as per the Rules the World Map is rated ESRB's "Adults Only". Only players with approved applications can go to this map.
Keep in mind that, while the map may look the same, it is not the same world as before. Duinan and Mirkwater don't exist, in-character. What was once called Duinan is now known as Evervale. Mirkwater...I'm not sure if it even has a name, outside of "the goblins to the south." App looks good, overall!

[Image: Raewyn-Signiture.jpg]
Hello, Aravan. As Kutara mentioned while some statics are the same the map is completely different and the lore/names of the towns are as well. That being said once in game I'm sure you will find your place in terms of the shard storyline especially since it seems to be in a transitional phase at the moment.

Approved. Have fun.

[Image: Dali-Signature-3.jpg]
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