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Daisy's Build Commands
NEW Commands to be Coded

.createat ItemId Amt Hue (I believe we added hue to this as well) - Done (Mithril)

.tile ItemID Z --> Gives target cursor up and lower. Pick up the Z value from the upper target unless Z value passed in parameter. - Done (Mithril)

.dyeradius ItemID Hue Radius and .dyeradius ItemID-ItemID Hue Radius (this has a ZRange of 20 above and below PC) - Done (Mithril)

.destroyradius Range ItemID ZRange --> Do nothing if no range specified. Default ZRange is 20 above PC. - Done (Mithril)

.destroyzone RelativeMaxZ RelativeMinZ TargetUpper TargetLower (If the Max and Min is not provided command will ask for them) - Done (Mithril)

.destroy TargetItem - Done (Mithril)

.mreplace NewTarget/ItemID OldTarget (creates a looking target where the first item you pick is the item to use, and the repeating targets replace as selected.) - Done (Mithril) (Update - Allow NewTarget to be passed as a parameter)

.copyrect  (include the option to copy from a static)
.delerect filename (we might want the option to use filename* so we could mass delete our "delme" files, but that should show the list and ask for confirmation before deleting.)
.listrect name/*name (name searches any files beginning with name, *name searches any file with name string in them)

Mith - these commands are the same as .inc z, .inc x, etc, but Daisy needs it to be a shorter command. Then can you add the ability to have a capital L at the end, which will cause it to do a .m inc z for example?

.pz X and .pz XL--> Raises up the z value of the item according to the number value you select. - Done (Mithril)
.px  X and .px XL --> Moves in X direction item you target - Done (Mithril)
.py X and .py XL --> Moves in Y direction item you target - Done (Mithril)

This works like above but the number is passed as a negative.
.mz X and .mz XL --> Lowers the z of the item according to the number value you select. - Done (Mithril)
.mx X  and .mx XL --> Move in the negative X item you target  - Done (Mithril)
.my X  and .my XL --> Move in the negative y item you target  - Done (Mithril)

.areplace NewID OldID UpperTarget LowerTarget--> Upper & Lower targeting cursors. (Need to discuss Z range for this with Daisy)

Mith: Confirmed we can forgo these:
.lockradius range (This had a default of 20 if you didn't type range)
.lockzone MaxZ MinZ --> Then gives target cursor for upper and lower corners, asks for min/max if you don't provide.

Commands that work just fine
.set hue #
.set X
.set Y
.set Z

.get hue
.get itemid
.get z

.m tele

I have reviewed/edited this. Some of it has changed.

[Image: Dali-Signature-3.jpg]
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I'm not sure if there is a way to do this easily but I do think I need a .lockradius

I did use it to lock down items, but it also served a different purpose, it would allow items placed after another item to come back on top after you would alter the item, say by dyeing the item. As it currently stands when you dye something like a wall, items are coming up on top of others incorrectly. This happens because often I layer items, I will use arches to develop a wall, with say a half wall. Without the ability to lock the items, when I dye them or even at times randomly some pop up, even though they are the last to be placed.

I'm explaining this poorly. I will attempt to explain better at a later time. But I'm placing things I find here so that I can review them at a later date.

The above was explained to you visually in game with the missing rug/dirt example. 


My movement commands... .py, .my, .px, .mx ... they work until 9. So I can move all directions until 9, but once I attempt to move an item more than 9, to say 10, it will use only the first digit--therefore moving it only 1 in the desired direction.

This is also the truth for .pz and .mz -- They cap at 9. I would like them not to cap at 9.

Also, the .tile command has a small issue with Z. While I can set the Z of the items I am tiling, in the past it would default to the Z level of the first item you specified with the cursor if you did not select a Z. For example, you could .tile 1305, not put a z value, and it would automatically select the Z value of the first coordinate clicked. If it could be like this again I would appreciate it.

Now it is upping the z if an item is already there, rather than selecting the z it is currently on. It is placing it above the current tile (probably taking into consideration the tile height?). 
So you may click on something at Z value 12, but because an item is there it will up the z value and not put it automatically on z value 12.


Confirming that all things stay placed and do not delete after a time. I was working on something in Malas and it disappeared. Not sure if this occurred after the shard went down and was put back up. Trying to figure it out.

[Image: Dali-Signature-3.jpg]
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