Updated 9/3/19 6:45AM EST
- Ship captains will no longer take you to the same destination you're currently at.
- You can now do basic farming or fishing, and artistry with 0 skill, based on stat bonuses that all other harvesting and crafting skills have.
- Flour sacks are no longer stackable. After this update, you will need to manually unstack any that you had stacked previously, or the stack will get treated as one item.
- Discordance now wears off after awhile. It lasts for (discordance skill)*2 seconds. Then you can re-target the same mob.
- Familiars summoned via magery or necromancy now disappear when the player logs off.
- Silver and sylvan ore now give the correct AR ratings according to the wiki. Silver > Sylvan.
- Furniture paints should now be craftable using "basic dyes" from a tailor NPC.
- You now lose half your required materials on craft failure instead of all of them.
- Mobs no longer drop rusty stain-colored robes or clothing.
- Re-disabled mining and smelting at the same time.
- Shields were not taken into account when determining bonus hit points
- Player corpses can now only be looted under the following conditions: Party members may loot each other on all maps/all items/all methods, Guild members may loot each other on all maps/all items/all methods, guilds at war may only loot stackables on Cuivienen via the .grab command.
- Beneficial actions can now be performed between all guilds on maps other than the world map. This will now allow you to cross heal regardless of guild status on those maps.