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Cooking + Special Dyes (Lyrinn)
Cooking needs a crafting station:

Special Dyes
I also would like to get the special dyes added.  The special dyes use to be part of apothecary, but the shouldn't be in our scripts at all, so hopefully adding them won't require any undoing work.

You can make clothing dyes with Apothecary. Each dye offers 10 different colors.
  • Vegetable dyes: To Craft: Requires 55 skill, 2 onions, 2 pumpkins and 2 cabbage. Has 5 uses. To Use: 40 Tailoring. (2950 – 2959)
  • Floral dyes: To Craft: Requires 55 skill, 2 henbane, 2 thorn apple and 2 edelweiss. Has 5 uses. To Use: 40 Tailoring. (2930 – 2939)
  • Mineral Dyes: To Craft: Requires 55 skill, 2 dull copper ore, 2 brown stone ore and 2 shadow iron ore. Has 5 uses. To Use: 40 Tailoring. (2940 – 2949)
  • Sea Dyes: To Craft: Requires 65 skill, 2 black pearl and 1 seaweed, (gotten from fishing). Has 4 uses. To Use: 50 Tailoring: (2960 – 2969)
  • Magical Flowers: To Craft: Requires 65 skill, 2 belladonna, 2 woundwort and 2 mugwort. Has 4 uses. To Use: 50 Tailoring. (2905 – 2915)
Implement as documented above.  Note that the black pearl for this IS black pearl which not the same as the newly renamed black pearl which is now blackthorn berries.

As you can see, the required resources are based on Grimm's reagents.  This is where I have some questions:
  1. Did we implement these in farming yet?
  2. Do we need to implement them or disable them?  Because none of the OSI/Base UO magic systems use these reagents.
  3. Does our farming allow us to plant and farm the OSI/Base UO reagents?  If not, I should probably be told so I can start a to do thread for those.
  4. And then finally, we probably need to convert the dyes to use base UO items, there doesn't seem to be any real reason to put in a new set that isn't really used for anything other then this.

Update for Lyrrin
I think we can do this with out any real challenges based on the following assumptions.  If you find any of my assumptions in error please let me know asap.
  • The Grimmwold cooking system was pretty much OSI/Base UO normal to begin with.
  • We didn't start converting over alchemy as a book skill of Cooking like it was on Grimm, so there shouldn't be anything to undo.  If there is, then I need details.
  • And if you think this is all doable and doesn't require any questions answer, just make a list of what you do so I can make sure I update the wiki.

Hold off on changing over the special dyes to "normal reagents" until I finish the reagent plan that I'm working on today. I will come back to this. And sorry if we caught you mid stride, this is part of the challenge of the crafting system snaggle.
Update Again:

We have resolved the reagent issue, and we are keeping the special dye ingrediants as was designed for Grimmwold, because we are keeping most of the Grimmwold reagents.
Players must now be near an oven to cook. Can be any type of oven.

Special dyes have been implemented as a book skill of cooking. They will need to buy the book called "Guide to Mixing Exquisite Dyes" (SpecialDyesBook to GMs). Ingredients/skill as described in your post.

Note that there is a high chance of failure to use the dyes at 40/50 tailoring as it works like any skill check. We can change it if that wasn't the intent.
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