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Seeking players to create a guild with!
Hexis and I are once again seeking players who are interested in a lawful evil/neutral evil guild. (I've been away for some time o.o)

We are primarily trying to create a small solid core group, which we discuss our ideas on guild structure, events, and quests. We want to discuss what you want out of your character and how we can collaborate on accomplishing each other's goals. We want opinions on how we can provide a fun experience as an evil guild, how we can avoid griefing others, and to create a quality story to enrich to community.

The core base of Stygian control starts with an organization called the Black Ring (we are currently discussing exactly how closely we want the structure of the guild to resemble fictional Stygia). We're seeking dedicated players willing to keep in contact, we understand that everyone has a life to live and we just want to keep in touch and to build a solid rapport.

You can message Hexis or I on Discord. 

Charlotte-Ate-Wilbur#9288 ---Overview of the fictional Black Ring, to give an understanding of the Core organization and some of it's members. We ask that characters created for the Black Ring to be original (please don't copy a fictional character, you may of course make a character that resembles a fictional character but it must be your own).
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RE: Seeking players to create a guild with! - by Charlotte-ate-wilbur - 09-01-2020, 03:30 PM

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