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Grimmwold Taming (Priority)
Hopefully, it's okay if we talk about this here? I didn't make it to the original discussion so I am curious about some of the finer points (and I'm just downright nosey):

Will everyone have access to all 5 slots always, or will they unlock as you grow taming (3 at 60, 4 at 80, 5 at 100)? I'll look at the herding/butchering post, but will mounts not take up a slot?

Will each pet fire off their respective ability on cooldown, or will it be mage/precision/devotion spell-like interaction? I know there are few power-gamers here, but having a party of autonomous minimages sounds nice for players like me who are bad at the game, yet sounds almost mandatory for someone who is serious about hunting.

Caster pets? Not dumb caster pets? (glares at dragon who stays at range casting magic arrows, instead of just stomping or casting a real spell)

Will we be keeping pack instinct and/or what does a rework of pack instinct look like to you?

What do you think about barding/bags for pets? At the risk of being a source of power creep, it seems a way to grow crafters and increase tamer investments in their pets.

Does this mean we will move away from multi-slot pets, or do you think those still have a place by just spanning multiple levels and thus having multiple roles OR being good at one specific role while sacrifice off having that role? For examples, (and these examples are completely, entirely made up) a 3-slot Cusidhe might cover levels 1,3,5, so it heals, tanks, and does aoe damage, OR perhaps a 2-slot Wyvern that covers slots 1 and 2, it doesn't do ranged, and because it covers slot 2 I can no longer have a ranged pet, but this wyvern excels at aoe damage.

I know tamers, and in particular big pets, have been a sore spot of power creep, but I also know that managing 5 pets can be manageable at best, and downright overwhelming at worst. For me, I like both, some days I want to go out pack hunting, since with pack instinct it tends to be _so fast_ and pretty cool. Other days I want to drag snuggles the dragon around from spawn to spawn and just gaze lovingly at big ole dragon <3.

Also, also: how do you see taming interacting with the summoner line of spells? I ask purely from a standpoint of more "animal groups" that seem that much less temporary (sure, I could be fetching my demon from the planes of hell whenever I want them, but isn't it sweeter if I have them on a leash here in the material plane all the time? :^])

Which leads into more proposed animal groups from more likely to less likely:
- Sneks/Reptiles (maybe lump into dragons maybe not)
- Deers/other hoofely types
- Humans/humanoids (pirate crew/brigand gang/militia squad/etc.)
- Tinkering automatons
- Elementals
- Demons
- Undead

Some QOL things perhaps:
- Faster pet movement out of combat- I know this is mainly fixed by picking up magery/devotion so you can portal/recall wherever, but until you have your spots marked out, you have to waddle all over waiting for pets to keep up
- Feed pets by dropping food on nameplates- This is probably a better suggestion for ClassicUO in general...
- Faster bonds- some function of spend gold to bond faster, gold sink and I can play with pets sooner :^]

Thanks for your time!
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Messages In This Thread
Grimmwold Taming (Priority) - by Lara - 09-11-2019, 09:38 AM
RE: Grimmwold Taming - by Lara - 05-26-2020, 01:37 PM
RE: Grimmwold Taming (Priority) - by Lara - 05-26-2020, 04:59 PM
RE: Grimmwold Taming (Priority) - by Lara - 06-08-2020, 09:17 PM
RE: Grimmwold Taming (Priority) - by Lara - 06-09-2020, 03:09 PM
RE: Grimmwold Taming (Priority) - by Inte - 06-15-2020, 11:40 AM
RE: Grimmwold Taming (Priority) - by Lara - 06-15-2020, 06:41 PM
RE: Grimmwold Taming (Priority) - by Lara - 06-16-2020, 11:01 AM
RE: Grimmwold Taming (Priority) - by Inte - 06-16-2020, 12:28 PM
RE: Grimmwold Taming (Priority) - by Lara - 06-17-2020, 12:30 PM
RE: Grimmwold Taming (Priority) - by Lara - 06-18-2020, 02:48 PM

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