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Awesome RP Shout-Outs
I think I never mention and take it for granted .. but Lara  you are always so awesome to encounter and add so much.
Thank You!!
Thank you Parchaa, I really enjoyed our rp and looking forward to more.
Really big shout out to everyone RPing tonight!

Nyre, Damian both of you are excellent. And good RP Ashliyn! Skal'Vaal I'm gonna figure out what the fuck you are ... eventually.
Wanted to say thank you to Nir, Lara, Daisy, Annika, Ewlon, Katya, Skorgi, for the past few days of excellent RP.
Daciana, Skorgi, Tatiana, Brea, Dalija, Goibne "The Jarl" Cause I can't spell your name for the life of me. Thank you all for some amazing RP over the past few days.
I just wanted to thank Aniza, Tatiana, Rin, Katya, and Caelestia, and Ara for all the great RP last night!

[Image: Raewyn-Signiture.jpg]
I've had a blast the last week... staying up way later than I should. I've enjoyed my time with everyone who made it to the Yrsa event this week. As always Brea/Lara, you make things intriguing. But more than just one event, I have really enjoyed those special individual moments I've had with people recently...

Tatiana/Annika, I know live threw you a curve ball this week, but you still found the time to make an rp event at the Long Hall in Fjarora, and bring people together. You are a great rp'er who has sparked so many interesting moments and I'm happy we have found time to interact.

Cinder/Nyre, I love the tension you bring to my scenes. When you enter the room I know things are going to get heated... but sooo much fun. I not only love your rp, but how you never take any of it OOC and perhaps that is the best compliment I can give you—such a good rper.

Audolfr/Felix, you really are one of the sweetest guys, ever. After all these years, I still adore getting online to rp with you. *smoooooooches*

Thank you everyone for the fun.

[Image: Dali-Signature-3.jpg]
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Thanks to everyone who came to office hours/tavern night tonight! Tatiana, Aniza, Rin, Nyre, Ewlon, y'all are great fun!

[Image: Raewyn-Signiture.jpg]
Heph - From the start Thank you. We've had alot of great RP moments and they just get better each time. 

Lysilia - Truly love having you in the Key. You bring a depth and seriously alot of fun to Rp with. 

Tatiana - Your RP has always been amazing and full of depth and development, truly enjoyable thank you for including me. 

Daciana - There is always more to be learned, explored and developed. Thank you. 

Ayda- Your an amazing RPer and I am very grateful for the times we've had to RP. Thank you for being Edward's little sister. 

Ewlon - Thank you for the Rp. its always interesting when you are around. 

Tyllis - Maybe next time furball you'll catch that tail.. or get some fish. Keep up the great RP!
So many people, so much amazing RP.

Brea... I always love your chars, but I think Brea is my favorite.

Dalija... I've never gotten to actually RP much with you, and it's nice to get a chance to with some kind of regularity!

Skorgi... <3 I wish more people understood the char... but then again, if they did I'd have to share your time more Wink

Tatiana... darn you *shakes fist* Quit be so far aways! I misses you and our late nights of play. *snugs*

Edward... thank you so much, for helping me with those explorations. For everything.

Jata... you better come back, missy.

Ewlon... fury to sweetness, it's not often you get to run such a wide gamut of emotions in a single scene. <3
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