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Build Updates
In the past we have had threads where we document any updates that are pending/going in. For the sake of my sanity I'm starting the trend again, since I want to know what is done, what is pending, and so on. I will update this thread/posts accordingly as we update.

Release Notes: (Moved from another thread)
  • 8/18/19: Underhill/Ilshenar was cleared of trees and had a dungeon connection made and released.
  • 8/21/19: Small static item fixes in the ever dale shop center were made and is being released.  Ulster underground removed.
  • 8/21/19: Sanctuary 2004 map being loaded to CED 2597 for possible use down the line
  1. Minor fixes to the Vampire/Dark castle in Drokwald, such as shifting trees, and pushing tiles that were out of place near the entrance, down. (Daisy)
  2. Minor fix to Meissa, an otherwise walled room which had no entrance has been fixed to open an entrance. (Daisy)
  3. Minor fix to Fjarora, a roof tile that was on the floor was deleted. Outward facade changes to homes. (Daisy)
  4. Minor fix to to the festival grounds near Raedoria, I have eliminated several trees that seemed to overrun the area. (Daisy)
  5. Still working on Carigsay. Deco and aesthetic stuff, mostly. (Kutara)
  6. Minor fixes to Andal, which previously did not work, have hopefully been corrected. (Daisy)
  7. Trimmed down the trees in Raedoria, (coord 2900 2300), since it crowded the homes. Noticed that the inside of the city was also a bit too tree heavy and have trimmed them down. (Daisy)
  8. Al Shad Noble homes have had some color therapy. I toned them down. (Daisy)
  9. Temple in the Fjarora region. (Daisy)

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Update Pending: (Completed)

  1. A fix on z value in the area surrounding the Yrsa Temple in Fjarora, so that players can actually get inside and rp. I hope it works. (Daisy)
  2. Added a basement level to the Fjarora Long Hall. (Daisy)

[Image: Dali-Signature-3.jpg]
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Update Pending: Completed!

Mainland map...

1. Dornear 2090 1224 - Updated
2. Tiversomin 2926 619 - Updated
3. Arnlodge 912 918 - Updated
4. Brekka. 175 1089 - Updated to include more doors/walls/rooms.
5. Haverbron  4054 1124 - Updated
6. Tarnstead 1590 796 - Original Build (Done)
7. Novochebay - Cleared out a good portion of blood/gore deco so it is more rp friendly.

[Image: Dali-Signature-3.jpg]
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Pending Update: Completed!


1. Minor issues with the Tarnstead build have been completed. Impassible stairs/Roof viewing glitch in a small section/curtains showing and a few other minor things have been fixed.
2. Novochebay, fixed issues with falling down second story buildings due to passing through roof. Other minor decor issues.
3. Minor issues/fixes to Brekka, added some snow deco.
4. Minor fix to Tara, added a fire pit to what used to be the hearth home for Briar.

Evervale (Malas map)

1. Minor fix to town square floor (were statue is located by bank)

  1. Put down trash in a "rat dungeon" linked off Evervale

[Image: Dali-Signature-3.jpg]
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Pending Update:

1. Drokk Castle: I has edited the basement to include a private/meeting council room.
2. Mermaid Cave has been cleaned up some and the entrance has been decorated to reflect the decor inside the cave.
3. Estervern is built (structurally).

[Image: Dali-Signature-3.jpg]
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Updates 6/7/20
  • Estervern
  • Haverbron (small upgrade)
  • Estervern
  • Manor House In Tara SE
  • Dungeons for Frost Njord Dungeon Chain
Pending Updates: Completed
  • Underhill Juka town.  The floor and bridge are now fixed
  • Stairs in the SE Tara manor house
  • Cave entrances on underhill to get to the center of the underhill map
  • More transitions in the dungeons
  • Cleanup of Troll bridge water path that needs to be fixed in game
  • The Shoe has had its living room removed.
  • Tiversom Re-do
Pending Update: Complete

Malas/Summer Isles
  • Jotunn Camp/Village - While not 100 done, it is looking pretty good for what is really a hunting ground. Future edits may happen. 
  • Three new shops added to Evervale
Trammel/Main Land
  • Edits to dungeon 32
  • Edits to dungeon 23 
  • Westleeuw Rebuilt (Kutara)

[Image: Dali-Signature-3.jpg]
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Juka Town on Underhill: Floors all lowered one. Should no longer disappear.
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