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Discord ID: Xulk#1997

Character Name:
Race and Sub-Race
Hoggur, Dwarf

Character Description
Tormus is a large dwarf, reaching four feet tall, and with a width not far behind. His dark black hair seems to sprawl everywhere, including his big puffy beard that reaches nearly to his knees, though in contrast to his attire, his hair is quite groomed and oiled, something of his pride and joy. His clothes are rough and often stitched and in some cases riveted back together.

Should he not be wearing a shirt (likely), and his beard is lifted up (unlikely), colorful tattoos can be seen extending across his belly, chest, back, and upper arms. Many of them depict Tormus... or at least Yetis that bear a striking resemblance to Tormus, engaged in various acts of battle and intimacy.

His large hands are covered in scars and callouses, though such scars are found less often across the rest of his body, suggesting a past more focused on manual labor than on violence.

Character Kingdom - Kraetrest, not joining a noble house as of yet.

Special Role-Play trait: Animated tattoos. His tattoos are enchanted, and shift in animation and subject matter depending on his mood and environment. This is largely unconscious and not something that Tormus can directly control. Usually, he can hide this as long as his torso and upper arms are covered.

Previous World:
An unknown haven of crime, decadence, and piracy. Something similar to Ixalan in inspiration.

Shard Plot Line Tormus's goals are to gather booty and have a roaring good time while doing so and to spread chaos in his wake. Should I have RL availability, I'd like to eventually build up to Tormus assembling a pirate crew to pillage the seas and potentially act as a mercenary agent on behalf of (and manipulated by) other factions.

As far as the reason Tormus was brought to Sanctuary, that is a mystery to him, though as an agent of chaos he has a bad habit of spoiling the plans of others, and often accidentally ends up committing good deeds despite his best intentions.

Being a skyship pirate is not a wise first choice for vocation.
This is even truer when you weigh nearly four hundred pounds, have a slight fear of heights, a lack of aeronautical training and the skyship is currently on fire.

Tormus was not a wise dwarf.
And so there he hung, dangling by his grappling chains from the aftcastle of the Queen's Justice singing a good traditional dwarven song (Dwarves don't actually love gold. That's just what they say to seduce it), firing off crossbow bolts, and... between verses.. praying that the dark shapes and in the water below were just some friendly mermaids looking to chat.

There was a treasure on this ship, he was sure of it. And treasure might just make this excursion worthwhile.

A more prudent dwarf would have attacked a ship returning from the frontier, as opposed to this one, laden with hardtack and limes.
A more learned dwarf would have recognized that the dark shapes signaled a coming vortex.
A more traveled dwarf would have realized the vortex was magical in nature.
A more... traditional dwarf would have known the tensile strength of steel.

And yet Tormus was no other dwarf but Tormus.
The chains snapped and he fell.
But no dwarf could have predicted what happened next.

Final Note:
I played on Sanctuary, Comraich and Grimmwold years ago. I forget the name of my Grimm character, but on Sanctuary I was Durshu, and Comraich I was Dershar. It... has been a while, and I thought I would check things out again.
Quote:Shard Plot Line Tormus's goals are to gather booty and have a roaring good time while doing so and to spread chaos in his wake. Should I have RL availability, I'd like to eventually build up to Tormus assembling a pirate crew to pillage the seas and potentially act as a mercenary agent on behalf of (and manipulated by) other factions.

As far as the reason Tormus was brought to Sanctuary, that is a mystery to him, though as an agent of chaos he has a bad habit of spoiling the plans of others, and often accidentally ends up committing good deeds despite his best intentions.

I am not sure this is really the best approach given the goals and story of the shard.  It's a very creative and flavorful character idea, but the shard plotline is specifically focused on the struggle between Kingdoms and Noble Houses.  While you don't necessarily need to know which noble house (if any) you intend to participate in, especially at the time of application, I'm not sure an "agent of chaos" focusing on spoiling other people's plans is quite appropriate, though it's possible I'm seeing it wrong.
(08-10-2019, 03:27 AM)NirAntae Wrote:
Quote:Shard Plot Line Tormus's goals are to gather booty and have a roaring good time while doing so and to spread chaos in his wake. Should I have RL availability, I'd like to eventually build up to Tormus assembling a pirate crew to pillage the seas and potentially act as a mercenary agent on behalf of (and manipulated by) other factions.

As far as the reason Tormus was brought to Sanctuary, that is a mystery to him, though as an agent of chaos he has a bad habit of spoiling the plans of others, and often accidentally ends up committing good deeds despite his best intentions.

I am not sure this is really the best approach given the goals and story of the shard.  It's a very creative and flavorful character idea, but the shard plotline is specifically focused on the struggle between Kingdoms and Noble Houses.  While you don't necessarily need to know which noble house (if any) you intend to participate in, especially at the time of application, I'm not sure an "agent of chaos" focusing on spoiling other people's plans is quite appropriate, though it's possible I'm seeing it wrong.

Fair point. I guess what I was trying to say was that while I am interested in being involved in the shard plotline, I don't have any exact plans for him yet. Being manipulated by others and bouncing off of what others do is something of a goal. Actually ruining other peoples plotlines is not. If that isn't a strong enough goal, that makes sense to me, its something I plan to develop with the character over time.
If you haven't already, may I suggest making a character and hopping in game, start to get a feel for the community etc.? You don't *have* to have an approved application to get in game.

That said, as long as you do intend to take part in the plot (and not just sow chaos on other characters), I would think it's good to go. Certainly not everyone knows how their character will fit into the scheme of things, especially right off the bat.
I love the character, and the answers to Nir's questions satisfy my own.

Thumbs up!
Ditto above.

Thumbs up!
I love reading applications about Pirates of any kind! And dwarfs always make me giggle.

Approved. Smile

[Image: Dali-Signature-3.jpg]
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If my character is not going to further some god's agenda, why was my character brought here in the first place?
Torm is an unwitting agent of The Laughing Rogue, a God of Accidental Heroism. The Laughing Rogue is a god of unintentional heroism, accidental goodness, and callous charity who works to corrupt the works of the vile and the greedy to make the worlds a better place.

The Laughing Rogue's primary goal is to help the evil deities plant the seeds of their own undoing.
And then watering them regularly.

Tormus has been a recurring agent/victim of the Laughing Rogue for the last decade.
(09-01-2019, 12:58 PM)NirAntae Wrote: I promise I'm not trying to pick on you...  Undecided

Could you clarify that plotline question a bit?  It's better than the first go, but it still comes across as him setting out specifically to mess with other people's plans - to work *against* the storyline instead of take part *with* the story.

Generally he is trying to rob people for his own advantage. In theory preying upon the weak for his own profit. But in practice, he is going to keep hitting a moral threshold that he is unwilling to go beneath.

Robbing Merchants is fine.
But if it turns out the merchant ship is carrying slaves, he might just free the slaves instead, and then spend his own money to help them survive.

And so much of his life is a frustration of trying to be the villain, but continually running into and losing a battle against his conscience.
To put it in alignment terms. He really wants to be Chaotic Evil, but in extreme situations acts Chaotic Good instead.

As far as it goes into the system, he is generally going to support those who agree to work with him / pay him / flatter him the most.
But if the person he is working for does something too morally reprehensible, he will betray them.
The whole time trying to justify to himself that he isn't just a big softie.
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