Discord Id - Dulwitch
Previous Characters - Luna Darkhand, Elenth/inwe, Alfrun, Asleaf
Character Name - Jareth
[b]Character Race & Sub-Race- [/b]Aelfeyn, Sub race Dark elf
[b]Alternate Graphic - [/b]Tawney Owl
[b]Character Description -[/b]Tall and handsome with a regal gaze upon his face, His eyes are a jade green and he always accentuates them with white eye make up. His brows are arched and he wears his hair in a bird nest fashion showing his light blond locks off. He reaches a princely height of almost 8 feet and he walks with grace with each passing step.
![[Image: 242?cb=20111030201526]](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/labyrinth/images/e/ed/Jarethrtl.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/242?cb=20111030201526)
[b]Shard Plot Line (Strengths & Weaknesses)-
[/b]Strengths- He is loyal to a fault to any one named Sarah and can change into a tawny owl at a moments notice.
Weakness- Sarah, Burial sights
[b]Special Role-play Ability-[/b]We expect that all characters will come into Sanctuary with a wide range of racial varieties. We expect that you will use existing game mechanics, items, skills, etc to support any racial or personal ability that you want to claim in your RP. However, you may document ONE ability that can not be represented by mechs, and doesn't require visual in-game support to sell. Please keep it to something that lasts no longer than the length of a RP session. - Command a army of goblins as he rules over them in his own kingdom.
[b]Previous World[/b]Please let us know what previous world your character is coming from. (As a reminder we don't allow PC's to be native to this world, so the character had to have come from some place else.)- Jim Hensons Labyrinth
[b]Backstory -[/b]
[b]Alternate Graphic - [/b]Tawney Owl
[b]Character Description -[/b]Tall and handsome with a regal gaze upon his face, His eyes are a jade green and he always accentuates them with white eye make up. His brows are arched and he wears his hair in a bird nest fashion showing his light blond locks off. He reaches a princely height of almost 8 feet and he walks with grace with each passing step.
![[Image: 242?cb=20111030201526]](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/labyrinth/images/e/ed/Jarethrtl.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/242?cb=20111030201526)
[b]Shard Plot Line (Strengths & Weaknesses)-
[/b]Strengths- He is loyal to a fault to any one named Sarah and can change into a tawny owl at a moments notice.
Weakness- Sarah, Burial sights
[b]Special Role-play Ability-[/b]We expect that all characters will come into Sanctuary with a wide range of racial varieties. We expect that you will use existing game mechanics, items, skills, etc to support any racial or personal ability that you want to claim in your RP. However, you may document ONE ability that can not be represented by mechs, and doesn't require visual in-game support to sell. Please keep it to something that lasts no longer than the length of a RP session. - Command a army of goblins as he rules over them in his own kingdom.
[b]Previous World[/b]Please let us know what previous world your character is coming from. (As a reminder we don't allow PC's to be native to this world, so the character had to have come from some place else.)- Jim Hensons Labyrinth
[b]Backstory -[/b]
Jareth was bored, he'd tralled his castle back and forth the last few years. Always alone never with out his queen by his side. He had plenty of subjects and they seemed to grow by number this last decade. He leaned out of a window his gaze dreamey and wistful staring at the skys just wanting one more Sarah to call for him. Just one more asking to take their child form him. Anything to break the monotony of his day to day routine.
That day seemed like it would never come but he heard the faint whispers on the breeze. "I Wish for the goblin king to take this child far away from me". Maybe he thought to him self that it was just a errant goblin running in his grand labyrinth again. They did like to play tricks on him from time to time. He smiled coyly his fingers tapping on the windows ledge. His smile widened as he swished his cape transforming him self into the tawny owl, gliding to where the sound came from. His now beak pointed towards the faint whispers as they grew ever louder. But these lands where not his or the mortal realm he knew as earth. They where thonging with magic and still the call seemed faint, almost too faint. He Landed turning him self back into his form dusting off his elegant robes as he did. His left eye brow arching as he sensed something like this was a trap. He twisted and turned his body morphing and unmorphing trying to fly back to his kingdom. But he was trapped. Trapped in a land that named it self Sanctuary.