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ColorPicker (Client issue)
When trying to make a new character or pick a font color in-game, the client crashes out with a stack trace like this in the logs:

######################## [START LOG] ########################
OS: Win32NT x64

ClientVersion: 117445632

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8007007A): The data area passed to a system call is too small. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007A)
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.StructureToPtr(Object structure, IntPtr ptr, Boolean fDeleteOld)
   at ClassicUO.Game.UI.Controls.ColorPickerBox.CreateTextureFromCustomPallet()
   at ClassicUO.Game.UI.Controls.ColorPickerBox.CreateTexture()
   at ClassicUO.Game.UI.Controls.ColorPickerBox..ctor(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 rows, Int32 columns, Int32 cellW, Int32 cellH, UInt16[] customPallete)
   at ClassicUO.Game.UI.Gumps.CharCreation.CreateCharAppearanceGump.CustomColorPicker..ctor(Layer layer, Int32 label, UInt16[] pallet, Int32 rows, Int32 columns)
   at ClassicUO.Game.UI.Gumps.CharCreation.CreateCharAppearanceGump.AddCustomColorPicker(Int32 x, Int32 y, UInt16[] pallet, Layer layer, Int32 clilocLabel, Int32 rows, Int32 columns)
   at ClassicUO.Game.UI.Gumps.CharCreation.CreateCharAppearanceGump.HandleGenreChange()
   at ClassicUO.Utility.Exstentions.Raise(EventHandler handler, Object sender)
   at ClassicUO.Game.UI.Controls.RadioButton.OnCheckedChanged()
   at ClassicUO.Game.UI.Gumps.CharCreation.CreateCharAppearanceGump..ctor()
   at ClassicUO.Game.UI.Gumps.CharCreation.CharCreationGump..ctor(LoginScene scene)
   at ClassicUO.Game.Scenes.LoginScene.GetGumpForStep()
   at ClassicUO.Game.Scenes.LoginScene.Update(Double totalMS, Double frameMS)
   at ClassicUO.GameController.Update(GameTime gameTime)
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop(Game game)
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
   at ClassicUO.Client.Run()
   at ClassicUO.Bootstrap.Main(String[] args)
######################## [END LOG] ########################

I followed the Trouble Shooting list, and made sure to get the latest Windows updates so that I would have the latest release of .NET 4.8 Framework. I also tried a system of swapping out ClassicUO client for SanctuaryClient and swapping out the latest High Seas OSI patch data files for the files shipped with Sanctuary-Client today in UOFiles:

When I use SanctuaryClient with Sanctuary files, I crash trying to go to character select or pick a font color due to the ColorPicker gump failing -- this is what started this whole investigation
I verified that I can use ClassicUO against latest OSI files, no crash -- this is the sanity test of my system
I verified that when I use ClassicUO with Sanctuary files, I crash -- this is the start of something interesting, that both clients crash on custom files
I verified that when I use SanctuaryClient with OSI files, no crash -- this seems to me to be the smoking gun, both clients work without custom files

where the difference between Sanctuary files and OSI files is the contents of Sanctuary-Client\UOFiles 
being populated by the latest OSI high-seas patch, or the latest Sanctuary patch

Let me know if there's anything else I can help provide!
I have narrowed this down to hues.mul. It seems that when I replace the SanctuaryClient hues.mul with the OSI hues.mul, it starts working. I'll dig into the format of each of these and see if I can suss out any obvious differences.
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