Discord Id - Lyrrin
Backstory - Sylvanei did not have a name in her old world. People just called her "the Sylvanus", because she was the only one in the forest. For many generations of human lives, the Sylvanus roamed the forest, caretaker of the balance between life and death in her territory. The people of the nearby villages understood: In order for new life to flourish, old life must end to make way. The Sylvanus ensured the overall health of the forest and the people who lived there, even if she occasionally played tricks or caused a little mischief along the way. The people left her offerings and, in times of extreme need, a sacrifice, to court her good will and protection. A death to pay for a life.
But gradually, the people changed. Newcomers brought strange ideas, and scorned the old ways. The offerings became fewer. Trees were felled to make way for farmland. Fences went up around livestock, and the Sylvanus was chased away from the herds and farms with angry shouts and waving spears.
She thought back on all of this as she lay in the grass, one of those spears buried deep in her chest. She had thought... they were leaving a sacrifice for her. A large bull, recently killed, just laying out there. It had been a trap, and she had been incautious in her desperation.
She closed her eyes, feeling the border between life and death growing ever closer. And then... nothing. The spear, and the pain, vanished, and the grass felt... different. She raised her great head slowly, sniffing at the air. She was alone, in a different place. But she could feel something else, too. This world and its people felt like a forest overgrown, smothering any new shoots trying to sprout. It needed her help.
Previous Characters - Hephaestra, Blair Seawan, many on Grimm and Comraich
Character Name - Sylvanei
Character Race & Sub-Race - Muiri, Sylvanus (A race I made up that is something of a cross between a Kitsune, a cwn annwn, and a forest guardian spirit)
Alternate Graphic - BakeKitsune hued to 2598. If this color isn't acceptable, and we can't find a good white, then hued to 2912 and I will change the description.
![[Image: su2F7nH.png]](https://i.imgur.com/su2F7nH.png)
Character Description - True form: Sylvanei is a great Fox, as tall as a man while on all fours. Her white fur is tinged red, especially on her muzzle, ears, and tail. She has large golden eyes and a look of mischief to her.
Human form: Though she is very old, her human form looks like a young woman. She has pale skin and huge golden eyes. Her wild hair is white with the faintest hint of red, and usually has twigs and leaves stuck in it. She wears furs, leathers, and sometimes necklaces of teeth or other ornaments, from things she has hunted.
Despite looking and occasionally acting a little threatening in either form, Sylvanei is surprisingly friendly, playful, and likes playing tricks.
Shard Plot Line - A great imbalance between life and death has been created with so many heroes pouring into Sanctuary, some who should be dead but are not, and war about to break out. Sylvanei has been brought here to help shift the balance back, guarding her kinfolk (the Muiri), and putting the undead back to rest or helping them pay for the life they owe [see backstory]. She will join either the Wild Hunt or the Wardens, depending on RP.
Special Role-play Ability - Updated: Sylvanei can sense when someone is dead or undead. This works without needing player consent on obvious cases like shades, skeletons, and people actively shapechanged to an undead body value. It will work WITH consent from players whose characters died in their other world and were revived and brought here, or players in human glamor covering up their undead nature. If consent is not given, then Sylvanei will not be able to sense their nature because either the character has a very good glamor or their patron deity is shielding them.
Previous World - An earth-like world, where fae folk roam and occasionally interact with the human world.
But gradually, the people changed. Newcomers brought strange ideas, and scorned the old ways. The offerings became fewer. Trees were felled to make way for farmland. Fences went up around livestock, and the Sylvanus was chased away from the herds and farms with angry shouts and waving spears.
She thought back on all of this as she lay in the grass, one of those spears buried deep in her chest. She had thought... they were leaving a sacrifice for her. A large bull, recently killed, just laying out there. It had been a trap, and she had been incautious in her desperation.
She closed her eyes, feeling the border between life and death growing ever closer. And then... nothing. The spear, and the pain, vanished, and the grass felt... different. She raised her great head slowly, sniffing at the air. She was alone, in a different place. But she could feel something else, too. This world and its people felt like a forest overgrown, smothering any new shoots trying to sprout. It needed her help.