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Sylvan vs Silver metal (approved)
According to the wiki on Armor Silver has the same AR bonus as Agapite, while the wiki on mining states that Sylvan ore has the same property of Agapite.

I can't mine Silver yet to test in game, but it is a harder skill (95) to mine up over Sylvan (90) is the wiki wrong about Silver vs Sylvan on the armor section? 
Is it possible to be tested?  I should be able to test it myself on my character once I can mine up Silver, so I can update it on my own.  Should be there by tomorrow.

Just an update.  Silver armor is indeed lower armor rating than Slyvan, though only by two points.  Not sure if its intended, just wanted to point it out.

[Image: Chester-Signature-1.jpg]
Low priority but someone can go ahead and make this consisting with the rest of the ore/smelting logic of being the same difficulty.
Ok I've sorted through this. The wiki page on mining is CORRECT, the wiki page on armor is INCORRECT. There was also a typo in one place in the code that switched silver and sylvan, but everything else agrees with the mining wiki page. I have fixed this in the code and updated the wiki armor page.
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