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Kaveril Oru
Discord Id - Please give us the discord account name that we can use to message you on discord. 

Previous Characters If you have played on our shards in the past by what names would we know you.
Daciana, Elliana, so many others...

Character Name - We require role-play appropriate names. Names using odd characters or capitalization are not allowed.
Kaveril Oru

Character Race & Sub-Race- We want to know what Sanctuary race best suits your character and what their sub-race is. Since we allow you to bring in a sub-race from a variety of other fictional worlds please let us know what the source for your characters sub-race is. Example: Aelfeyn, sub-race D&D Drow.
Human - Werewolf

Alternate Graphic If you want to shape change into a graphic other than human, what graphic is it? (It helps if you give us the name (not number) out of Inside UO, or a link to a picture of the graphic.)
Cu sidhe, dark grey/black, maybe with a reddish tinge

Character Description - Please provide details such as height, skin and hair color, and any deviations from human normal.
In human form, he is quite large and imposing, standing at 6'8" and broad of chest.  His body is peppered from head to toe in dozens if not hundreds of small scars that stand out starkly against his tanned skin.  Grey eyes are often barely visible, seemingly always narrowed in suspicion or deep thought.

If his human form was large and imposing, however, his wolf form was a veritable brute, looking more like a horse than a canine on first glance, at least in stature.  His fur is dark, thick, and sleek, though a bit patchy in a few spots where the scars were more prevalent.

Shard Plot Line - Access to the world map is restricted to those characters who are intending to active participate in the shard plot line. Please explain how you intend for your character to be involved.
When he bothers to pray, it is generally to Artemis they are addressed, but his religion is more one of wild spaces than of specific deities.  His primary motivation would be to assure that there is still a world worth ruling over once the fighting is finished; however, whichever house wins his loyalty will have a devoted scout and ranger.

Special Role-play Ability- We expect that all characters will come into Sanctuary with a wide range of racial varieties. We expect that you will use existing game mechanics, items, skills, etc to support any racial or personal ability that you want to claim in your RP. However, you may document ONE ability that can not be represented by mechs, and doesn't require visual in-game support to sell. Please keep it to something that lasts no longer than the length of a RP session.
Aura of Dominance - For many years, Kaveril was the alpha of his pack, and that instinct is absolutely bone-deep in him.  When he fully asserts himself, that aura can be an almost crushing weight, especially on those whose natures are more that of a follower.  He actively tries to suppress that side of himself, however, and it generally takes quite a lot to draw it out of him.

Previous World Please let us know what previous world your character is coming from.
A rather more actively supernatural/World-of-Darkness-esque version of Earth a few centuries past.

Backstory - 400 words or less. You may not play a native to Sanctuary, but your character can have arrived any time within the last 10 years.

Kaveril lay on the edge of a cliff, his head resting on massive front paws, watching the valley below.  To most, it would no doubt be a monotonous sea of inky blackness; to his eyes, however, the full moon gave more than enough light for him to see the small motions of nocturnal life going about its business.  He heaved a great sigh, tired beyond measure of nights filled with nothing worth speaking of; his pack was all gone, most - including his mate of many years - killed in an attack by a large force of hunters that had banded together to drive them out of their home.  The handful that had survived eventually perished or abandoned the pack for other opportunities.  

As his mind meandered over such maudlin thoughts, his spirits sank ever lower; after a time, he lifted his head, howling his loneliness and misery to the moon.  He didn't expect an answer, any answer...  and so when he received one, it brought him to his feet as if jerked upright by strings.

"I hear your pain, my hunter", came the voice that seemed to echo all around him, making the very air vibrate.  "Come.  A new home, a new pack, a new purpose..  awaits you..."

Though he reached out with all his senses, he could neither see, nor hear, nor scent any other presence.  And yet, he knew one was there, could feel as it began to draw away.  Without a thought, he took off after that feeling, diving into the woods at top speed, though it ever stayed just ahead of him.

When he spilled out of the treeline on the far side of the wood, the feeling suddenly vanished, and only then did he realize...  this was not his valley.  In fact he had no idea where he was; nothing looked, smelled, felt familiar.

In shock, he melted back into his human form, seeing buildings in the distance, and went to find where it was he found himself.
Thumbs up!

Contrary to popular belief, the wings of demons are the same as the wings of angels, although they're often better groomed.

--Neil Gaiman
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And I heard a voice say, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?", and I said "Here I am. Send me"
Approved! I hope you have so much fun with him. Smile

[Image: Dali-Signature-3.jpg]
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