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Lara Ox
Discord Id -Lara #9755

Previous Characters - Lara, September

Character Name - Lara Ox

Character Race & Sub-Race- Demi Human

Alternate Graphic - None

Character Description - Large boned muscled warrior woman with plain features.

Shard Plot Line - Lara is a paladin always in search of a cause and to smite evil, she will do just fine in Emlyn.

Special Role-play Ability- Lara remember's her past lives

Previous World - To many to count, but at least the previous Sanctuary 2004

Backstory - Lara and Mithril arrived in this world about seven years ago and have been serving the noble houses of Emlyn as knights since then, they have recently been gathered into the Order of the Black Lion.
Thumbs up! =)

Contrary to popular belief, the wings of demons are the same as the wings of angels, although they're often better groomed.

--Neil Gaiman
Thumbs up (of course XD )
Thumbs up

And I heard a voice say, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?", and I said "Here I am. Send me"
*Is tempted to be mischievous...* But I will behave since we did write the fiction together and all. Tongue

Approved! Smile

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