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Hod'g Pod'g Character App
Discord Id - Rosario #5452
Previous Characters - Honey Goldenbell, Fafnir Gale
Character Name - Hod'g Pod'g
Character Race & Sub-Race - Hoggur, Goblin
Alternate Graphic - Horde Demon - Green Color
Character Description - Glamour Reference Image
Glamour: As far as goblins go, this may be the fairest one you have ever laid eyes upon. Short in stature (3'1"), but pleasantly curvy in shape, she is very much pear shaped. Purple irises, raven hair, absurdly long ears, sharp teeth, and a sharper smile adorn her pleasant face. When readying for a hunt or for war, she adds dark face paint on the upper portion of her face, making her appear even shorter and more difficult to hit. 
True shape: This very well may be the ugliest creature you've ever laid eyes upon. Bulbous yellow eyes are mounted in a swollen, frog-like head. Sharp, sickly green and black teeth protrude from a grin that literally reaches from ear to ear. There is a scraggly patch of hair on this thing's head as well as a pair or tiny pointed horns, two misshapen ears that do not match in size or shape, and the skin is just leathery green hide stretched over lumpy muscle and fat. All this glorious hideousness stands at a very solid 3 feet tall, plus or minus a few inches depending on how slouched it is. Unless it speaks, you'd be hard pressed to figure out this creature's gender.
Shard Plot Line - There are many gods with their fingers in the Noble houses of Sanctuary, all with their own ideals and conflicting plans. Hod'g Pod'g was brought to Sanctuary by the god of mischief to cause chaos, disrupting the plans of the other gods. What better way to indirectly aid your god and it's house than to ensure that the others fail? She will seek out and join a noble house in order to put these skills to use for them, causing mayhem in order to hinder their enemies. 
Special Role-play Ability - A master of disguise, able to change, not just her appearance, but her voice and even her scent. More prep time means a better disguise.
Previous World - Lockesisle
Backstory - The Goblins of Lockesisle pride themselves on being the most hideous creatures in the realm. To them, the more foul one appeared, the more desirable they were. There was one goblin, a warrior princess of a large tribe, who was far more grotesque than any other. Her name was Hod'g Pod'g and the only thing more revolting than her grotesque appearance were her morals. Very well loved, to the point of being practically worshiped by the lesser goblins, when it came to choosing a champion for their chaotic deity, the choice was clear. They would sent Hod'g Pod'g! 
Of course, this wasn't the whole truth of it. This was Hod'g Pod'g's own fabricated fantasy. It was true, she was so ghastly as to be difficult to look at, but this was not desirable. In fact, the goblins, as foul as they were, sent Hod'g Pod'g on an impossible quest to sate an insatiable god of mischief to be rid of her, once and for all! But as far as she was concerned, she was a hero-- No. A goddess to her people! She would not let them down!
I'm not sure a driving force of simply causing chaos and disrupting others' plans is really sufficient motivation for the shard plotline...
App updated to ensure that it's clear that Hod'g Pod'g will not be out to ruin everyone's day -- Just ruin the day of those that don't align with her house's goals.
Much better >^.^<

Thumbs up.
Thumbs up!

Contrary to popular belief, the wings of demons are the same as the wings of angels, although they're often better groomed.

--Neil Gaiman
Thumbs up! Copy cat.. Tongue Almost what Grub is, with exception to the "pretty" Glamour, hehe.. Will be fun to meet in-game.
Thumbs up!
thmbs up

And I heard a voice say, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?", and I said "Here I am. Send me"
Approved! She sounds fun. I like her. Smile

[Image: Dali-Signature-3.jpg]
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