Discord handle Virglehermit
Character name Virgle Jack
Character race Human sub race (sort of) nature boy uncomfortable around human cities
Character description Appearance:*you see a man of 6 foot stature and about 200 pounds in weight. His hair is very long and twisted in many braids ending in carved wooden thorns, the braids from his temples both have a bead with the thorn one silver one blue. His very long hair and great braided beard are white suggesting he is older than his years but his voice seems younger and his movements are swift and agile and confident seemingly of a younger man. His common is difficult to understand unless he speaks very slow and thoughtfully, it is not his native tongue*
Age: 33
Height: 6 foot
Weight: 200bs
Eyes: steely greyish to bluish seem to shift color slightly
Hair: natural hair color was dark brown but has gone to White after the winter spent out in the elements of the wilderness
Skin: dark skin rough from a life in the wild places
Handedness: Right
Posture: stands comfortably straight but reminds you of a wolf ...always shifting and looking around gracefully
Hygiene: clean for a Wildman swims to bathe regularly cleans hands and face with "silvar Watars"
Scent: smells of campfire smoke and often of blood when he has been hunting and skinning
Character kingdom House Bazhir but Virgle is accustomed to living covertly to remain unnoticed by civilized folk while he supports those he perceives as strengthening the natural order .... doing the will of the nature goddess.
Special rp tool
Virgle often believes he hears “tha gran lass” but he may just be crazy.
Back story Virgle lost his wife and son in harsh winter mountains and spent the winter in the elements with little provisions.... he appears much older because his hair turned white after that brutal winter.
He had a near death experience in those mountains and believes the gran lass placed him in a grizzlies den to snuggle up with a hibernating she bear to revive him when he collapsed frozen in the snow.
He awoke from that NDE here and lives to “strengthen the balance”
Character name Virgle Jack
Character race Human sub race (sort of) nature boy uncomfortable around human cities
Character description Appearance:*you see a man of 6 foot stature and about 200 pounds in weight. His hair is very long and twisted in many braids ending in carved wooden thorns, the braids from his temples both have a bead with the thorn one silver one blue. His very long hair and great braided beard are white suggesting he is older than his years but his voice seems younger and his movements are swift and agile and confident seemingly of a younger man. His common is difficult to understand unless he speaks very slow and thoughtfully, it is not his native tongue*
Age: 33
Height: 6 foot
Weight: 200bs
Eyes: steely greyish to bluish seem to shift color slightly
Hair: natural hair color was dark brown but has gone to White after the winter spent out in the elements of the wilderness
Skin: dark skin rough from a life in the wild places
Handedness: Right
Posture: stands comfortably straight but reminds you of a wolf ...always shifting and looking around gracefully
Hygiene: clean for a Wildman swims to bathe regularly cleans hands and face with "silvar Watars"
Scent: smells of campfire smoke and often of blood when he has been hunting and skinning
Character kingdom House Bazhir but Virgle is accustomed to living covertly to remain unnoticed by civilized folk while he supports those he perceives as strengthening the natural order .... doing the will of the nature goddess.
Special rp tool
Virgle often believes he hears “tha gran lass” but he may just be crazy.
Back story Virgle lost his wife and son in harsh winter mountains and spent the winter in the elements with little provisions.... he appears much older because his hair turned white after that brutal winter.
He had a near death experience in those mountains and believes the gran lass placed him in a grizzlies den to snuggle up with a hibernating she bear to revive him when he collapsed frozen in the snow.
He awoke from that NDE here and lives to “strengthen the balance”