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A simple leather-bound bundle of parchment.
Days have blurred upon themselves as of late.  

The satellite library and office has come a great distance since last. Shelves in place, we've even displayed four intriguing pieces located from around the area. 

I think I've an plan to continue such but need to speak with some of the houses first. Could be interesting. 

The gathering with the wild Hunt and exchanging ofngift and words of alliance was well recieved and frankly slightly enjoyable. As always it seems it turned at a point to the instant game of let's make him blush! 

An interesting question upon the aspect of death did arise as well as what is Evil. Both things I feel I should look indepth into. More research in subjects we still have little on. 

Last eve I attended another public gathering hosted by Mistress Raewyn of the Wardens. 

I dare say I had an enjoyable time and perhaps shocked at least Miss Far with the learned ability of courtly dancing. She was quiet taken aback and I admitted I may have fibbed slightly on my knowledge of certian..things in life. 

She is quiet a good dancer. 

The evening wound down with the request of a tale of adventure. It was not one of the traditional nature I told but of the Raven and lessons of life through the eyes of a young man. 

It did infact lead after to internal and external understanding for a few of the listeners present which does my soul, what little of it's left well. 

A story is nothing more then words spun together for entertainment. A Tale though is one of insight and intrigue and leaves one talking and thinking upon it for hours after wards. 

I wasn't able to present my gifts to the hostess upon the on set of her gathering so I set them afterwards. Two long swords one of the moon and one of the sun. I do admit though both of my finer work, the moon did appeal to me. 

I will likely need to embrace it once more again soon. There was another like me their tonight. Moe caged animalistic in his bahavior. I ignored him best I could and supressed the inner's growing harder to do such. And I don't know what I'll do next I've no calming aspect any longer. 

I've a few moments. I should rest. I heard rumor of a new area near the troll bridge perhaps some interesting finds shall be had. 
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RE: A simple leather-bound bundle of parchment. - by Edward Haverston - 08-31-2019, 06:46 AM

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