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Note: This character is replacing Sylvanei, who I never got quite right. I'd like to keep the skills I gained on that character and get a name change/shapechange to this character. 

Discord Id - Lyrrin#8940

Previous Characters - Hephaestra, Cora Silverleaf, etc
Character Name - Velastra
Character Race & Sub-Race - Aelfeyn, Lythari [elven lyncathrope]
Alternate Graphic - White Wolf (hue 2592)
Character Description - 
Before you stands a lady of moonlight. Her pale face has sharp, elegant features, and is framed by long, silver-blonde hair. She is slender and stands just over 6' tall. In certain lighting, you could swear she glows... but no, you blink and it's gone. 
At will, she can turn into a white she-wolf, the same size as an ordinary wolf but... clearly not ordinary: The wolf's eyes are far too calculating, the fur a little too white and well-groomed. 
Shard Plot Line (Strengths & Weaknesses) -
Strengths - She is charismatic and outwardly appears kindly and caring, which can draw people to her. Her wolf form grants her enhanced hearing, smell, and strength, at the expense of worse sight.
Weaknesses - Perceptive people might occasionally notice a flash of something cold or dark behind her kindly exterior, and feel a sense of suspicion instead of being drawn to her. She prefers shade or darkness, and is weakened in full daylight: She can not use Glamour [special RP ability] effectively with the sun shining on her. 
Like all Aelfeyn, burial sites make her feel ill and weak. However, as death rites are part of her duties, she has learned how to cope with being around smaller burial sites while she works. Grave sites on Sanctuary that have not had proper rites formed will make her feel extremely ill, however. 
Special Role-play Ability - Glamour: She can sometimes fascinate a weaker-willed person to the point that they will believe anything she says.
Previous World - Forgotten Realms-ish (I'm not following the exact manual/spec here, but that flavor of world)
Backstory -
In her previous world, Velastra was a mid-ranking priestess of the Silver Lady, her world's goddess of the moon, life, and death. She spent most of her time at a temple of the Lady in a large town, performing life blessings and death rites. Like all clerics of the Lady, she was taught both how to save life and how to take life, as both were needed in Her service. [Think similar to the House of Black and White from GoT].

Strangely, she seemed to be able to attract and hold in thrall large crowds of people when she spoke, and sometimes even non-worshippers would journey to the temple to see what the fuss was about.

She was brought to Sanctuary several years ago, and has built up a small temple of the Lady in the northern lands. She seeks to expand her influence and her followers to better serve the Lady's purpose of balancing life and death, which have become severely off-kilter because of the Thorn King and the constant arrival of heroes.
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Velastra - by Lyrrin - 06-16-2020, 08:14 PM
RE: Velastra - by Daisy - 06-17-2020, 02:14 PM

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