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Artistry, Inscription, Cartography, Recall, Gate
In preparation for the new magic system I'd like to jump the gun on some of the ancillary changes we want to make.

So, when the new magic system goes in (and no the design isn't available to players yet) we are going to remove recall and gate from all magic systems, including devotion and make it a utility accessible to everyone.

Recall and Gate will be a function of rune books which can be charged with a gold sink (non craftable) resources.
  • Books will take more runes then they do now
  • Books will take more charges than they do now.
  • Recall will still require mana of 10 (or is it 11?)
  • Gate will still require mana of 40.
  • However they will no longer fail unless the book isn't charged.
  • Runebooks, Runes, recall scrolls and mark scrolls will be craftable by inscription. 
  • Recall scrolls and mark scrolls will not require skill to be used.
  • Gating will only be a function of rune books.
The new magic system will use significantly fewer spells, and FULL spellbooks will be purchasable from a master NPC just like devotion and precision.  Consequently, the crafting of scrolls and the mob drop of scrolls need to be reviewed.

To offset the loss of scrolls from inscription, we are going to merge inscription + artisty + cartography.  Putting these three skills together should create one robust "pen and ink" skill rather than three rather crappy craft skills.

  1. Eventually, the magery scrolls, with the exception of that noted above, will be removed from inscription.
  2. Scrolls dropping on mobs will either be remove or reimagined, no details as of yet.
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Artistry, Inscription, Cartography, Recall, Gate - by Lara - 06-11-2020, 09:40 AM

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