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Low Population Ideas
It is normal to have highs and lows in population.  When we have high populations, the conflict between estates managed by RPCSS works well.  However, when we have low swings in population we like to draw players back to playing primarily on Summer Isle, with a plot line that introduces a new twist to character development or new character ideas.  We have a few ideas we'd like to toss out and get your feed back.  We are asking you to respond and let us know ALL of the plot lines you are willing to try, not just your preferred one -- though you are certainly welcome to communicate your preference.

Bad Guy Alt Idea
For this type of plot line we would ask everyone to play an Andal as the "bad guys" for a player and seer run conflict.  Everyone would keep their main chars (unless they are maxed at 5 chars).  Details of how Andals are is listed below.  The Andal's goal would be to take control something not reveled at this time.  A series of seer run plots would be ran where players would compete to win the objective.  Players would be randomly asked to play their Andal character for each plot, so everyone gets a fair chance to play on both sides.

Personality Shift/Memory Loss
In this plot line, something causes the players to loose recent memory or to have a personality shift forced upon them.  The current working idea is: reset everyone back to their arrival memories.  I'll take other ideas, but most of mine are not as easy to play for both old and new players.

Time Change
In this plot line, we'd do some type of shift that moves our characters back to arriving during some time during the Thorn King Era. They would remember only their pre-world memories (obviously native chars would need their own fiction to make sense).  They would arrive into a world where they we not trusted by humans, and perhaps even hunted down.  Which exact time period is not yet deceided, feel free to advocate for one period of time or another, include reasons.

How long would this last?
A few months? At least through New Years when traffic begins to pick up.
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Messages In This Thread
Low Population Ideas - by Lara - 11-04-2020, 10:52 AM
RE: Low Population Ideas - by Myrddin Emyris - 11-04-2020, 03:47 PM
RE: Low Population Ideas - by Morde - 11-04-2020, 07:46 PM
RE: Low Population Ideas - by fefe - 11-05-2020, 05:32 PM
RE: Low Population Ideas - by dwolfdragon - 11-06-2020, 10:47 AM

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