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Tarsus van Netter
Discord Id - Jules

Previous Characters - Julian, Vaenys
Character Name -  *a sequence of chirps, squeaks and musky body odors, squirrel language is hard, you know*
He will go by Tarsus van Netter (tarsus is a bone and Netter is an important anatomy author)
Character Race & Sub-Race- Otherkin - Muiri (?)
Alternate Graphic - black squirrel (that is actually his only form, he is just a squirrel with no human shapechange, glamour or anything)
Character Description - Tarsus is bigger than the average squirrel, he stands about one foot and a half when on his hind feet. He often wears a ragged shroud and always carries a staff with a cat skull on its end.
Shard Plot Line (Strengths & Weaknesses)- My objective is to get him on Raeyithia, getting on its darker side. Strenghts -> he is smart and focused
weaknesses-> grumpy and with low patience limits. Which is rather funny, due to his size and to him being a squirrel. Oh, he hates bunnies. May be on the limits of his sanity, also.
Special Role-play Ability- Skull of Acthuitl'zhe : An artifact that enhances hidden feelings the target may harbor. It can not produce new feelings, but can make someone who is upset have this feeling enhanced into an anger, for example. If he concentrates, he can cast the bones as an oracle.  
Previous World - The world of the tabletop RPG Mouse Guard, where the squirrels are jerks and kinda the antagonists
Backstory - After spending several months being an antagonist to a group of mice adventurers, Tarsus, was satisfied they came to a truce. Not because he wanted peace, but because he just wanted to be left alone. The dungeon and the undead attacks were nothing but a coy, to mislead the adventurers while he could attain his true objective: the skull of Acthuitl'zhe. A mithic artifact, the actual skull of an ancient monster who devoured thousands of rodentkin and stills lives in the nightmares of the elderly. This artifact became an obsession for him since he first read of if, in a ceramic tablet brought by a chipmunk mercenary. Now that he obtained it, Tarsus feels powerful. But he fears he may have awoken something. Something bad, something ancient. The whisper inside his head, nightmares with places he never knew, worry him. But not enough as to drive him away from the skull of Acthuitl'zhe. In fact, instead of diving him away, the skull took him somewhere else...
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Messages In This Thread
Tarsus van Netter - by JulianIsenhart - 10-12-2020, 07:50 PM
RE: Tarsus van Netter - by Maggie - 10-12-2020, 10:01 PM
RE: Tarsus van Netter - by Raindancer - 10-13-2020, 01:48 AM
RE: Tarsus van Netter - by Timm - 10-14-2020, 09:40 AM
RE: Tarsus van Netter - by JulianIsenhart - 10-14-2020, 09:42 AM
RE: Tarsus van Netter - by Myrddin Emyris - 10-14-2020, 10:02 AM
RE: Tarsus van Netter - by Morde - 10-15-2020, 09:34 PM
RE: Tarsus van Netter - by Raindancer - 10-16-2020, 11:56 AM

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