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Application; Gaol the Goblin
Discord Id – @trent4101

Previous Characters – Solian Dwin’Mitore, Ignatius.

Character Name – Gaol

Character Race & Sub-Race – Hoggur, Goblin

Alternate Graphic – Probably one of the new orc/goblin ones, I am not sure which would best suit him.

Character Description

Gaol is tall and thin by most goblin standards; standing around twelve hands (4 feet) high his stooped posture belies his true stature.  The rest of his body is sinewy and gangly, probably weighing only five or six stones (+70lbs) soaking wet.  His knobbed skin is perpetually slick with grime – having a blue tinge to an otherwise laurel-green flesh makes him appear sickly.  His facial features call into question his goblin heritage with both his ears and nose being abnormally long and pointed, similar to an Aelfeyn’s, but grotesque otherwise.  His eyes and hair are black – eyes like pits of desperation and hair woven into a mass of snarls atop his oblong skull.

 Shard Plot Line (Strengths & Weaknesses)

Cunning, ruthless, and deceptive; Gaol will use whatever trickery he has up his sleeve to achieve his goals.  His primary goal being to appease his more powerful master, whoever that may be at any given moment.  Having lived a life in perpetual thralldom and abuse he sometimes will abuse himself when underperforming his duties, if only to hopefully appease his master in place of his poor performance.  Coveting wealth for its own sake he will do almost anything for a pile of gemstones but will ignore the flat gold discs that men trade so easily.  Magic will both excite and terrify him.  Has a strange infatuation with unicorns.

Special Role-play Ability

Psionic Thralldom – Not fully understanding the concept nor functionality of his ability, it typically is of no practical usage to Gaol.  However, given his blue-goblin ancestry and his unfortunate life he is able to have a menial telepathic connection with his master under varied conditions of spatial distancing, length of time, and cohesion.

Previous World – Legend (film, 1985) mixed with some D&D psionics.


“Darkness does not trust me, Darkness will never trust me…”  The slumping figure of a goblin merged with the shadows of the verdant forest, alive with the calls of the night, muttering to himself along the way.  The shadows and ‘Darkness’ not being synonymous with each other in these lands, the goblin continues he’s monologue about his master, “Always sending us further and further away!  ‘Find the alicorn!’ the dark one says, ‘If you don’t bring me the alicorn I’ll rip you in half!’ he bellows down at me, as I lay stricken on the floor, bleeding!”  A chagrin expression curls across his grotesque face.  The expression turns into a laugh of lunacy, revealing his presence (and rows of jagged and sharpened teeth) to the woodland animals and forest spirits that lurk deep within all woods, unseen by men.  

Their collective passiveness goads the goblin servant even further into his tirade!  “I will find the unicorn and take the horn for myself!”  Pausing he makes a slashing motion with his short sword, up high as if to sever horn from horse, and then procuring the imaginary alicorn, holds it high, envisioning a triumphant victory that would never occur.  The distinct sound a blow pipe makes when blown was all Gaol heard before he collapsed.

Blix, one of his goblin counterparts approaches the fallen Gaol, shaking his head unsympathetically.  “Eh, poor, poor Gaol, you’ll never learn,” his voice croaked and popped, similar to Gaol’s but more confident in tone.  “I’ll be the one to be in the Dark Lord’s favors, not you, for you are pathetic.  You always have been, and you always will be.”  Snapping his finger, Blix calls upon his cohorts who emerge from hiding.  They heft Gaol’s body up and return to the castle where their master resides.  However, being sneaky and cruel in nature, they have a plan for their ‘comrade’.  Venturing to the forbidden wing they cast Gaol into the void chamber where he is never seen again… In thse lands at least.
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Application; Gaol the Goblin - by trent4101 - 06-27-2020, 05:17 PM
RE: Application; Gaol the Goblin - by Shiest - 06-27-2020, 05:31 PM
RE: Application; Gaol the Goblin - by Dulwitch - 06-28-2020, 05:25 AM
RE: Application; Gaol the Goblin - by Daisy - 06-30-2020, 02:51 AM

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