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Application for Shor
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Previous Characters
Ethan Alkalai, Cynric Degenhard, Aradel, Ovadya al-Shaanan
Character Name 
Character Race & Sub-Race
Hoggur, appears to be a swamp ogre.
Alternate Graphic
Ogre with a blue-green hue (I'm not picky)
Character Description
Standing almost 9 feet tall, she rarely ever reaches this height due to a permanent stoop or squat depending on whether she is moving or resting. Corpuscular might be more correct than muscular, although beneath the layers of blubber are massive muscles capable of damage. Hair is thin and wisp, black but almost completely gone. Tusk like teeth poke up out of his jawline and stretch nearly to his nose's height. A massive belly and somewhat more spindly limbs means she plods along at slow rate compared to those around her. Her skin color is a dark blue green that almost looks grey-ish and would almost completely vanish in water. 
Shard Plot Line (Strengths & Weaknesses)-
Weaknesses: Slow, grotesque, muffled and poor speech, dexterously challenged and slow(Poor at crafting but not at gathering) and not easily impressed/threatened, must breathe air but at reduced rate from humans, cannot swim.

Strengths: Strong, camouflaged in water, intelligent and perceptive, strong connection to the earth in muddy watery areas, extremely slow metabolism requiring few meals at extreme intervals. 
Special Role-play Ability- 

The Mud and the Water - When submerged in brackish/muddy/stagnate water like in a swamp and stationary (Not fleeing or moving) she gains powers related to the following: Limited oracular vision, clairvoyance over a limited (couple of hundred meters) area that has contact with the ground/earth, truth sensing, and similar witch like powers. 
Previous World
She was a great and lauded sage of her old world. But her old world contained neither humans nor elves, only the animals and hoggur. Without the dizzying sprinting about of these "lessegr races" as she sees it, the world developed limited language and retained the ability to communicate using the earth and magic. Shor spent most of her previous life submerged in the waters at the center of a swamp and lived harmoniously with the animals there. The world however was not sheltered from other worlds and often Gods and other groups would be found traveling through Shor's world. These encounters are what gave her most of her limited communication skills. It was also what through her into Sanctuary.
The world floats both through and by Shor. She sits in her pond and feels the growth of the roots of the treets, the weathering of the rocks, the padding of the forest fauna. And there she sat for a time and listened and watched and breathed deep of the scent of the natural world. 

And then he showed up. Small but powerful, the strange pallid creature lunged at her and nearly killed her. He only left her be when he discovered she had nothing of value around her pond. She curled up in her sunken pit, convinced it would become her grave. But as she sank beneath the water she found she kept sinking. And sinking.
Until she emerged in a land of great trees like her home but of the same pallid creatures that attacked her. What was she to do? Was this to be her new home? She found her wounds healed as she made the transition to this world. Perhaps it was not all bad.
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Messages In This Thread
Application for Shor - by Ovadya|Ethan - 06-21-2020, 07:39 PM
RE: Application for Shor - by Kutara - 06-21-2020, 11:26 PM
RE: Application for Shor - by Darkmane - 06-22-2020, 09:37 AM
RE: Application for Shor - by Daisy - 06-22-2020, 04:58 PM

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