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Mysticism (Lyrrin)
I can't delete or comment out the skill entirely without causing problems, but I did verify the following:

  1. Client has a hard-coded limit on skills that show up, and mysticism, imbuing, and throwing are all past this limit. Players can not see these skills in the skills list. 
  2. Players can not .spec these three skills (so they can never gain skill in them)
  3. Players cannot select these three skills on character creation
GMs can still set these skills via the props menu but ... there's no reason for them do do that for a player. 

I think that should be good for now.
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Messages In This Thread
Mysticism (Lyrrin) - by Lara - 07-06-2019, 09:10 AM
RE: Mysticism (Lyrrin) - by Lyrrin - 07-19-2019, 12:07 AM
RE: Mysticism (Lyrrin) - by Lara - 07-19-2019, 10:38 AM

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