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Karrandal (Åndalstad)
The region of Karrandal primarily comprised by the city of Andalstad, the traditional capital of the Kingdom of Midrvegr. By tradition, whoever holds the Estate at Karrandal is considered the rule of Midrvegr. The current estate owner of Karrandal is Brea Wynne Wistari.  She upholds the traditions of the kingdom as outlined on the kingdom page of the wiki with the following exceptions set for the region itself.

Treatment of Slaves
Karrandal, like Midrvegr, is a slave culture, which means that slaves are part of the traditions and practices of the people.  Brea has made it clear that she does not intend to allow any slave living in her region to be torture or maimed, and that the death of a slave should always be justified. It is unknown why she has made this rather unusual oath, some claim she is weak, others that she is kowtowing to the rest of the kingdoms, others, who perhaps know her better, consider it is just another one of practical "business" decision she is known for.
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Karrandal (Åndalstad) - by NirAntae - 05-24-2020, 06:36 PM
RE: Karrandal (Åndalstad) - by Lara - 06-03-2020, 08:45 AM

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