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Solian Dwin'Mitore
Discord ID - trent4101#8807

Previous Characters - Trent Drayen, Thanach (Sanctuary), Solian Dwin’Mitore (Comraich), Alaric Wolfe, Dion (Grimmwold).

Character Name - Solian Dwin’Mitore

Character Race & Sub-Race - Aelfeyn, Dyrling, Leune

Alternate Graphic - N/A

Character Description

    Solian is tall by any measure, both in stature and in presence.  His countenance fills a room, however unlikely he is to be found in a confined space.  A ranger through and through, his body reveals numerous scars and the physical prowess required to thrive in the forest - hunting for survival, for preservation, and also for the thrill.  His ruddy auburn hair is more of a mane for all intents and purposes.  Thick, unruly, and sometimes full of sticks and leaves it’s best left unattended.  The eyes could most easily be described as hazel, but one can’t ever really remember what color they were after an interaction.

Shard Plot Line (Strengths & Weaknesses)

    Being a leune sidhe allows for Solian to have an uncanny ability to elicit a specific emotion within others.  This does not however allow for outright control, as every person reacts to specific emotions in their own way and their own strength of will would be cause for concern for Solian himself.  Being an “emotional vampire” can leave Solian in a vulnerable state.  With the perfect mix of conflict, tension, and outright malicious intent could cause dramatic and psychological repercussions for Solian.  Completely dependent on the situation, Solian could be an asset, a liability, or a reckoning force given his heritage. 

Special Role-play Ability

    This major topic is mostly answered in the previous question.  To clarify its use IG; the emotional manipulation would most always be very subtle unless agreed upon by any others involved - either explicitly or through natural RP escalation.  And of course…  Emotional siphoning is a two way street.

    Also worth noting as a former “Pard” (a Dyrling Ranger) Solian has a preternatural six sense of foresight - the “Pard Sense.”  This manifestation of outward awareness, typically drawn from the earth at his feet, would be unreliable in a new land and realm.

Previous World - Comraich


    The morning air was cool, crisp - the dew had frosted over upon the ground, unseasonably early.  The rhythm of the forest could only be felt, not heard, because the silence was engulfing.  Until a lone doe stepped out into a clearing of the wood, it’s breath materializing in a ghostly wisp.  Ghostly in appearance and as fact.  A distinct thrum loosed an arrow through the forest canopy.  The deer’s black eyes flinched and caught it’s attackers visage in them, and then vanished as if it had never been.

    “Curses,” Solian squints towards where his prey had been a moment ago.  Standing from his perch amongst the bows of the forest he turns to look about, “Athlendyr, are you here?”  He speaks out to his lion-centaur God. There is no reply.

    Spying a lake in the distance the intrepid (and hungry) Solian makes an advance.  The heights of the forest canopy are like that of a cobbled stone path for one practiced as a Pard.  Traversing speedily through the limbs and vines like a pleasant walk through a town-square was no different to him.  Perhaps a bit of fishing on this fine morning?

    Coming to a relaxed walk up towards the shore of the lake, Solian had been knowingly focusing on the silhouette near its edge.  “I knew you were here…” He says, now close enough to speak aloud.  The awesome and inspiring Athlendry stood before him, the water of the lake lapping around his massive paws.

    “Solian,” the God speaks, a warmth unknowable and inexpressible in any bard’s tale washes over him as he listens.  “Your hunt takes you elsewhere, away from My lands…  And while all My children are dear to me, it is to be.”  His eyes narrow and focus down upon the ranger before him, “You are the best and the worst of all that I hold dear in My children.”

    Solian makes to protest, “But Sire, my family, my people, my love…”  His words fail him, his emotional fortitude instantly sapped.  Despite his God's countenance he slumps down into the sand of the shore, the water pooling up around him, defeated almost instantly from His convictions. 

    “Child,” Athlendyr speaks again, now looking to the rising sun, “you will persevere.  Your memories will fail you but your very essence shall thrive.  The Hunt shall be awoken within you, and that fury will shake the earth beneath your feet!” 

    The God’s words sound emboldening but Solian still sits in the water, pooling more and more around him.  The darkness of the lake water quenches out the light of the rising sun as the water now fully submerges both he and his God.  Solian gasps for breath, reaching for Athlendyr but never getting close, only further.

     The darkness and the gasping consume him.

     He awakens, on a shore, gasping still.  One thought still reverberating in his head.  One instinct still pulsating through his veins.  The Hunt begins.
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Solian Dwin'Mitore - by trent4101 - 05-25-2020, 09:51 PM
RE: Solian Dwin'Mitore - by Daisy - 05-26-2020, 02:46 PM
RE: Solian Dwin'Mitore - by Lara - 05-26-2020, 03:58 PM
RE: Solian Dwin'Mitore - by Daisy - 05-26-2020, 06:22 PM
RE: Solian Dwin'Mitore - by trent4101 - 05-26-2020, 10:19 PM

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