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RPCSS Changes to Lore, Rules and Mechanics
Reserve your Estate

Because it will be weeks before anyone can claim their estate, I want to allow players to reserve an estate now.  This way, you can begin your role-play of the location ahead of time, as well as get housing access to the fort or castle there.
  • Izvorul (Fort just south of Drokwold) is not available for reservation as its too close to Drokkwold. 
  • Tarnstead has no buildings at all, but will be a wood and stone estate.
  • Esholt, Estervern and one other are currently palisade forts (like orc forts)

June 4th, 2020: The list of claimed and unclaimed estates has been moved to the wiki:

[Image: RPCSSmap.jpg]
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RE: RPCSS Changes to Lore, Rules and Mechanics - by Lara - 05-05-2020, 03:55 PM

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