10-05-2019, 03:17 AM
(09-25-2019, 12:43 PM)Frrfrr Wrote: Discord Id -
Previous Characters
Frrfrr Bear...Benji Ferret
Character Name -
Character Race & Sub-Race-
Muiri, Otherkin Grizzily Bear.
Alternate Graphic
Grizzily Bear Color Brown
Character Description -
Height....When on all four his heights around 5foot but counting the hump, it is around 6 ft. When on two legs his height is 8 to 9 feet. He has brown colored fur. He's a Grizzly Bear. His weight is around 800 to 1000 pounds.
Shard Plot Line (Strengths & Weaknesses)-
He comes from a long line of Crafters and Harvesters. He doesn't understand why other races uses armor and weapons..As that concept is just lost on him...But he'll craft it.
Weakness's...Hes a adult bear. Eats alot. Has a huge target area. And tends to get indifferent to surroundings when crafting.
(Fleshing it more as requested)
Frrfrr will be making sure that the armies of what ever kingdom he is with will have the Ores and metals need for Armor and weapons. His wooden furniture will be used by the troops to relax after a hard days work of beating up on the enemies.
If that fails, they can use his horrible cooking skills to poison the enemy!
I have found a home in the Kotf protecting the Forests. As a bear i will blend in and no one will notice me....The forests have eyes.....and in my case fur!
And i'll be protecting the forests from hunters and people/beings wishing to cut them down...*coughs* and burn them to create farms and cities!!
(edit 2)
Frrfrr also has the ability to bled in the local wildlife and can note troop movements and scouting and foraging parties. And ambush lone scouts.
Please just approve for summer Isles till i get a bearpaw feeling on the lands and current politics and various deities. Please and thank you.
pecial Role-play Ability-
When Frrfrr is Purring..He is affectionate and quite content...Giving a soothing area of effect bonus of peacefulness.
He purrs alot when crafting.
Previous World
Frrfrr comes from a small mountainous area called Beartopia in the world of Pandaria. Beartopia is renowned for there crafters and makers of fine items and Foodstuffs.
Backstory -
Frrfrr followed in his Families tradion of Crafting that goes back Millennia. He was getting a reputation of being an expert miner and logger while occaisionally producing awe inspiring Wooden Furniture.
But alas Frr was a terrible cook. He was banned from kitchens and camps for hundreds of leagues. Rumored to have accidently burned down 4 different kitchens and several small fires in forests and mines.
Edit number two..ty for your patience!
i have re edited my app to apply for Mainlands funsies and to protect the forests from ebil pyro's!