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Discord Id - Xulk#1997
Previous Characters: Dershar, Durshu, Tormus
Character Name - Nobody - Not their real name after their name was eaten by the crown.
Character Race & Sub-Race- Demi-Human, Undead, variant of a Liche.
Alternate Graphic  Doppleganger
Character Description - Nobody is four feet ten inches tall. He is even shorter when he hunches his back, which is most of the time. Almost all of his hair has fallen out, though a few wisps of white hair remain hanging from his head. His very appearance looks like someone worn down and smoothed out with sandpaper, his eye sockets are sunken, and what eyes remain are tiny compared to the size of his skull. His nose has also flattened, now little more than two nostrils on his face with a light bump. His ears have also largely fallen off, leaving just a bit of cartilage outside the canal.
His entire body looks weak and sickly, most of the muscle atrophied away.
Nobody is hardly recognizable as human.
Yet that is what he once was.
Shard Plot Line (Strengths & Weaknesses)- Nobody is a coward, who will and has done anything to save their own skin. They are eager to follow the orders of those they perceive as a threat to them, but just as eager to abandon a cause once it seems like it will be lost. Their undead nature makes them very difficult to permanently kill, but incredibly vulnerable to magic. The only reason they are still alive is a prolonged necromantic curse.
Their biggest weakness is kindness. They do not expect it, they do not believe they deserve it and will take active steps to try and sabotage and hurt anyone who treats them well. However, long term good treatment may well earn their actual loyalty.
Special Role-play Ability-  Nobody was cursed by the crown that he stole. The Crown is a powerful necromantic artifact that sustains him. As long as The Crown continues it artificially keeps Nobody alive, long after they should have died. With the Crown's curse and protection, Nobody is very difficult to permanently kill, coming back from grievous wounds that should have killed anyone else.

As an RP ability, that means I will be roleplaying him walking around and acting through otherwise debilitating conditions, like while temporarily missing limbs, or being impaled on a spear. This will not affect his combat ability at all, defeating him is rather easy. Additionally, longer-term death or even permanent death is possible for him still if the link to the artifact is disrupted.  Effectively anything that would disable him mechanically still does.
Previous World  Nobody was a prince, a prince of thieves at least. There was nothing that he could not steal. When the dark lord arose and began to conquer the known world, Nobody had his greatest test and challenge. He bypassed the Dark Lords guards and armies, and finally entered the dark lords chambers, approaching close enough that he lifted the crown off the Dark Lords head.
In doing so, he effectively defeated the Dark Lord for good, saving his world from the Dark Lord's evil and tyranny.
This did not save Nobody.
Even as the Crown was stolen the Crown stole back.
It stole his memory.
It stole his name.
It stole his soul.
It stole his life.
The prince of thieves was now nobody.
A forgotten wretch soaked through in evil, stealing for scraps to survive.
He saved his world but lost his place in it.
Backstory -

He had lost the Crown again.
It would be upset.
It would be angry at him.
It would make him feel horrible agony.
It would be nothing new.

He also didn't recognize these woods.
That was strange.
He knew all the woods.
He must have gotten lost.

The Crown would be upset.
He had to find the Crown again.
But maybe some food too.
Some food would be nice.
And some shiny things.

He used to have many shiny things.
What happened to them?

He couldn't remember.
He didn't remember anything.
Except that the woods were wrong.
He must find the Crown again.
It was going to be upset.
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Messages In This Thread
Nobody - by Tormus - 09-29-2019, 03:19 PM
RE: Nobody - by Katya - 09-29-2019, 03:33 PM
RE: Nobody - by Cinders - 09-29-2019, 05:25 PM
RE: Nobody - by Annika - 09-29-2019, 11:30 PM
RE: Nobody - by Myrddin Emyris - 09-30-2019, 10:45 AM
RE: Nobody - by NirAntae - 09-30-2019, 02:16 PM

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