07-02-2019, 09:34 AM
MOST of the reagents listed above will get a name change, and many a graphic change.
All Magery reagents will be given to Lumberjacking as a "Wild Crafting" book skill to make up for the loss of enhanced woods which we won't be using because they are AOS enabled.
Alchemy Herbs will be matched to the Grimmwold apothecary herbs instead of the OSI/UO Base Magery reagents and given to Farming like they were on Grimm.
Farming will loose the 4 Magery reagents that they had on Grimm, but retain the 8 alchemy/apothecary herbs.
Mining will loose the 4 Magery reagents they had on Grimm, but get the 5 necromancy reagents.
Mysticism reagents will be implemented for herding/butchering when we implement mysticism.
MOST of the reagents listed above will get a name change, and many a graphic change.
All Magery reagents will be given to Lumberjacking as a "Wild Crafting" book skill to make up for the loss of enhanced woods which we won't be using because they are AOS enabled.
Alchemy Herbs will be matched to the Grimmwold apothecary herbs instead of the OSI/UO Base Magery reagents and given to Farming like they were on Grimm.
Farming will loose the 4 Magery reagents that they had on Grimm, but retain the 8 alchemy/apothecary herbs.
Mining will loose the 4 Magery reagents they had on Grimm, but get the 5 necromancy reagents.
Mysticism reagents will be implemented for herding/butchering when we implement mysticism.