08-27-2019, 01:03 AM
I think its the 26th day.. of some month. Within a year.
It is strange to think I've been here for such a period of time yet I still don't know fully how long... My days used to revolve around the day of the week, the hour of the day.
Studies, martial training, worship and prayer, scription and scribery, dinner... and rest. Awake and attend to morning prayer and repeat the process...
The only breach of the mundane day was upon the trails of the Crusade. Though it was still held to strict standard a regimented schedule shall be maintained... it really wasn't.
Oh some of the Brothers tried, but it just was not possible in most cases when your worship and prayer could be interrupted as easily as water flowed from the oasis.
There is many things people seem to know of my Order and many more they think they know... Though I am not surprised... Even within our own order, there was much confusion, knowledge found to show that the believes of which we were founded the principles were driven not by a divine hand but a simple man wishing to control others through their beliefs.
That objects we had been tasked to secure were nothing more than that.. simple objects, and others... seen as heretical in nature... were in fact divine and miracle producing.
I was asked recently how it is I am so accepting of so many strange and wondrous people being a Templar Knight. I could only answer with what I know. And that is the world is not as black and white as it is believed to be, we cannot expect each little piece to fall within a greater puzzle with ease.
My world was light afire by the inquisition trying to suppress one of the very things I see daily used as a boon and act of goodness and kindness.. witchcraft.
For that matter, I'd be burnt upon a stake as heretic and witch. I have grown more so in my understanding of this subject of which so many seem to think is a Dark art.
Yet I feel within that it is anything but. It is a balancing of Life and Death a give and take, one of sacrifice and reward. I do not know what others feel on the matter perhaps I shall inquire and see.
There is another side of me yet that I am still learning... and struggling truly to contain. I do not know if that is the proper word of which I should use, Contain. Perhaps I should state embrace.
I lost my temper this evening. The constant badgering of my person about if I have wooed a woman, or bedded one, or kissed one, or bedded a man, or what do I do if I feel "randy" *Note.. Randy apparently means to mate or rut or procreate in other cultures.
There seems some fascination with the topic upon my person... perhaps its the fact I do not feel it is a topic spoken about in public. Regardless if I have or have not rutted with a woman.
It truly wasn't the Aerndir's fault that I grew angry but the wolf inside had grown frustrated enough that it asserted itself. Ewlon noticed and tried to remove me from the situation. But in the end, he ended up having to walk out of the forest with a naked man.
Not something he wished to have witnessed, the man was me, I'd shifted and lost my clothes. And ate some bandits.
By the by I will not be doing again. Horrid hygienic practices in that group. And the hair... my gods above and below... they have hair EVERYwhere! and I thought Lycans were hairy... this one woman... she.. Oh there are some things that just should not make it into the books of history.
Luckily... I think I didn't end up eating her so much as her head fell off into her lap.
I felt as I had insulted the Raven's Kiss in their home with the whole situation and I did apologize as to such. The Lady of Raven's Kiss was more than understanding and forgiving. Something I am unfamiliar with but it is not lost upon me the kindness and understanding.
I shall end this here, as I've yet much work to do and little time to do it. Documents to be copied and prepared. And start moving the Office into the new larger building.
We may yet be able to have both a Library and archives of antiquities within the same building.. and have room for multiple people to sit and converse.
And sleep some were in between all this.. She was in fact very correct.. changes so sudden and harsh as the one I undertook this evening leave me extremely weak, hungry and tired... I must be weary of such things for the future...
It is strange to think I've been here for such a period of time yet I still don't know fully how long... My days used to revolve around the day of the week, the hour of the day.
Studies, martial training, worship and prayer, scription and scribery, dinner... and rest. Awake and attend to morning prayer and repeat the process...
The only breach of the mundane day was upon the trails of the Crusade. Though it was still held to strict standard a regimented schedule shall be maintained... it really wasn't.
Oh some of the Brothers tried, but it just was not possible in most cases when your worship and prayer could be interrupted as easily as water flowed from the oasis.
There is many things people seem to know of my Order and many more they think they know... Though I am not surprised... Even within our own order, there was much confusion, knowledge found to show that the believes of which we were founded the principles were driven not by a divine hand but a simple man wishing to control others through their beliefs.
That objects we had been tasked to secure were nothing more than that.. simple objects, and others... seen as heretical in nature... were in fact divine and miracle producing.
I was asked recently how it is I am so accepting of so many strange and wondrous people being a Templar Knight. I could only answer with what I know. And that is the world is not as black and white as it is believed to be, we cannot expect each little piece to fall within a greater puzzle with ease.
My world was light afire by the inquisition trying to suppress one of the very things I see daily used as a boon and act of goodness and kindness.. witchcraft.
For that matter, I'd be burnt upon a stake as heretic and witch. I have grown more so in my understanding of this subject of which so many seem to think is a Dark art.
Yet I feel within that it is anything but. It is a balancing of Life and Death a give and take, one of sacrifice and reward. I do not know what others feel on the matter perhaps I shall inquire and see.
There is another side of me yet that I am still learning... and struggling truly to contain. I do not know if that is the proper word of which I should use, Contain. Perhaps I should state embrace.
I lost my temper this evening. The constant badgering of my person about if I have wooed a woman, or bedded one, or kissed one, or bedded a man, or what do I do if I feel "randy" *Note.. Randy apparently means to mate or rut or procreate in other cultures.
There seems some fascination with the topic upon my person... perhaps its the fact I do not feel it is a topic spoken about in public. Regardless if I have or have not rutted with a woman.
It truly wasn't the Aerndir's fault that I grew angry but the wolf inside had grown frustrated enough that it asserted itself. Ewlon noticed and tried to remove me from the situation. But in the end, he ended up having to walk out of the forest with a naked man.
Not something he wished to have witnessed, the man was me, I'd shifted and lost my clothes. And ate some bandits.
By the by I will not be doing again. Horrid hygienic practices in that group. And the hair... my gods above and below... they have hair EVERYwhere! and I thought Lycans were hairy... this one woman... she.. Oh there are some things that just should not make it into the books of history.
Luckily... I think I didn't end up eating her so much as her head fell off into her lap.
I felt as I had insulted the Raven's Kiss in their home with the whole situation and I did apologize as to such. The Lady of Raven's Kiss was more than understanding and forgiving. Something I am unfamiliar with but it is not lost upon me the kindness and understanding.
I shall end this here, as I've yet much work to do and little time to do it. Documents to be copied and prepared. And start moving the Office into the new larger building.
We may yet be able to have both a Library and archives of antiquities within the same building.. and have room for multiple people to sit and converse.
And sleep some were in between all this.. She was in fact very correct.. changes so sudden and harsh as the one I undertook this evening leave me extremely weak, hungry and tired... I must be weary of such things for the future...