08-24-2019, 06:36 PM
All of the dungeons listed in Lara's post seem to have some issue with collision and Z detection for the mobs. I spawned a few but recommend waiting to use them until its fixed. The following have been spawned.
5718 62 (Still needs more summons, the Z and collision issue caused my stoppage.)
6020 53 (Dungeon is spawned but -very- difficult, high level mobs that drop gear. Might have to test this.)
5700 2505 (Fully spawned but has some collision issues)
5398 73 (needs more spawns)
5718 62 (Still needs more summons, the Z and collision issue caused my stoppage.)
6020 53 (Dungeon is spawned but -very- difficult, high level mobs that drop gear. Might have to test this.)
5700 2505 (Fully spawned but has some collision issues)
5398 73 (needs more spawns)