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Virgle Jack of the wood
Special rp trait Virgle tries to use medicinal knowledge gained from his mother to Rp heal people (silver water, charcoal, herbals) his wife was Elven and he speaks Elvish much better than common.
Virgle often believes he hears “tha gran lass” but he may just be crazy.

As healing is in game as a game mechanic skill as well as UO spell casting, there is no real need to specific healing as a RP trait as you can simply take any game mech option for healing and RP it any way you want.

To restate this: If you can take the ability as a game mech then you should, but do not need to further document it here. Is there something else you'd like to exchange this for?
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Messages In This Thread
Virgle Jack of the wood - by Virgle - 06-21-2019, 01:55 AM
RE: Virgle Jack of the wood - by Lara - 06-23-2019, 01:23 PM
RE: Virgle Jack of the wood - by Virgle - 06-23-2019, 01:54 PM
RE: Virgle Jack of the wood - by Lara - 06-23-2019, 02:21 PM

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