08-10-2019, 09:35 AM
(08-10-2019, 03:27 AM)NirAntae Wrote:Quote:Shard Plot Line Tormus's goals are to gather booty and have a roaring good time while doing so and to spread chaos in his wake. Should I have RL availability, I'd like to eventually build up to Tormus assembling a pirate crew to pillage the seas and potentially act as a mercenary agent on behalf of (and manipulated by) other factions.
As far as the reason Tormus was brought to Sanctuary, that is a mystery to him, though as an agent of chaos he has a bad habit of spoiling the plans of others, and often accidentally ends up committing good deeds despite his best intentions.
I am not sure this is really the best approach given the goals and story of the shard. It's a very creative and flavorful character idea, but the shard plotline is specifically focused on the struggle between Kingdoms and Noble Houses. While you don't necessarily need to know which noble house (if any) you intend to participate in, especially at the time of application, I'm not sure an "agent of chaos" focusing on spoiling other people's plans is quite appropriate, though it's possible I'm seeing it wrong.
Fair point. I guess what I was trying to say was that while I am interested in being involved in the shard plotline, I don't have any exact plans for him yet. Being manipulated by others and bouncing off of what others do is something of a goal. Actually ruining other peoples plotlines is not. If that isn't a strong enough goal, that makes sense to me, its something I plan to develop with the character over time.