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Rahvetma Character Submission
Discord Id -Hornet#1345
Character Name -Rahvetma
Character Race & Sub-Race-Summon Demon
Alternate Graphic- Demon
Character Description -5ft 10inches Slender with Grey Skin and black hair amd blue eyes in human form. Demon form is typical demon
Character Kingdom -Kraestrat
Special Role-play Ability- Character is very Helpful and Attractive so is able to be persuasive to most
Previous World-Veilhad made up land from a book i am writing
Backstory - Rahvetma is an old demon. Often times he has shown up throughout history to influence and charm political events or people and stir up trouble using his decietful nature and destructive habits. Rahvetma is quite beutiful so is able to be decieving and seem harmless whe. He really works in the shadows twisting words and selling secrets to others. He only takes his true Demon form when around those he trusts or to scare of potential threats. Rahvetma came into existence when an Very old demon split hisself into multiple entities to keep from dying. He is a demon of Mischief and comes from hell. He always appears to walk the earth so that he may meddle in worldy affairs by spreading lies. Few have seen his true form. Those who have seen his true form often times are dead soon after he is fascinated with the idea of death and finds Humans particularly fascinating and often he can be found in the prescense of the rich or renowned.

***I have restored this post so that I can move it. The original author deleted the post. --Daisy***
I apologize, but I cannot read this application with the current text coloring. The gray almost exactly matches the posting background. Could you please edit it out so it is more readable?

-- Magic is real, unless declared integer
(08-02-2019, 07:26 PM)Halikar Wrote: I apologize, but I cannot read this application with the current text coloring. The gray almost exactly matches the posting background. Could you please edit it out so it is more readable?
I cant figure out how to
(08-02-2019, 07:43 PM)RothmoreWolvbane Wrote:
I cant figure out how to
No worries, I used the editor to change all the text to white.

-- Magic is real, unless declared integer
The Backstory really seems more like a continuation of the character description. Everything that's there looks good, but would like to see an actual bit of story for him.
Sorry with him being a demon i was trying to convey him being old and what not
It still seems a bit more like a description/history than story, but that may just be personal preference.

But, in any case, you seem to get the main concepts, so I'll go ahead and give it a thumbs up. Smile
The original post seems to have been deleted. If you are having any issues with character concepts and have no done so already, why don't you join us on discord so that we can help you with your application. Smile

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Hello Rothmore,

I'm not sure what happened but if you log into Discord I would be happy to help you with this application. Honestly, as it is I see many positives. However, since you have deleted it, I'm going to move the thread—but if you want to restore the application just post. Smile

[Image: Dali-Signature-3.jpg]
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