06-20-2019, 07:22 PM
Discord Id - Marishka#1777
Backstory -
Marishka hails from Grimmwold, having arrived six years ago to Sanctuary. Having grown bored with most 'human' affairs, she tends to keep to herself, and does her best to make records of history, and important events.
Character Name - Marishka Alexandra Bazhir
Character Race & Sub-Race- Human, sub race Vampire
Character Description - Marishka is 4ft 11, with violet-black hair. She has pale skin, and lean build.
Character Kingdom - Kraestret
Backstory -
Marishka hails from Grimmwold, having arrived six years ago to Sanctuary. Having grown bored with most 'human' affairs, she tends to keep to herself, and does her best to make records of history, and important events.