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Farming skill
Farming is a skill but for some reason it doesn't show up in the skills list you can view in the game.  Unsure if this is correctable or not. Also unsure if this belongs on this board or the Bugs board.

[Image: Wyldeheart.jpg]
This might have to do with not having the right file which renames skills. Can you identify more specifically where the skill shows up correctly and where it shows up incorrectly, and if incorrectly is it showing up as another skill perhaps?
It does not appear in the skill scroll (player-facing, opened through the paperdoll) at all, correctly or incorrectly.

It does show up, correctly, in the staff .skills window, under 'Magical'.
I believe there is a skills idx file ... can we find out if that file was included in the set of files that Mith gave you guys in the zip file to use?
There is, with a modified date of 6/5/2016
Okay, this sounds like a Mith issue then, I'll get this to him.
Okay Mith ... more information

Farming the skill shows up in the staff skills window, but not in the player Gump.
Nir set her farming to 100 as the only skill she had at 100 and no skill displayed in the player Gump.
I remember that this was a challenge, can you check the scripts to tell us what skill Farming did take over.
And explain why that skill isn't showing up on the player Gump but is on the staff list?

It would be very helpful to have the master list of what skills were changed to be what other skills.
I have asked Mith to look at this again.
This has been resolved. the problem with skills showing up for staff but not for players should be fixed in the next update.
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