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How to: Journal Saving
I did not see this anywhere on the boards, at least in my searches, so I thought I'd write something up for it.

Most of you are probably already familiar with saving journals for your characters. I like to keep them for story purposes, but they're also critical if you're playing the sort of character that likes to glean information and you're trying to accurately keep track of what your character really knows.

It can also come in handy for troubleshooting purposes since it can capture error messages, and system messages.

Assuming you are not familiar with using the journal save feature, I have written some steps below which explain how to turn it on.

Option A:
If you are already logged on, the simplest way to enable it is to go to 'Options' (or use Alt+O) --> Miscellaneous --> Check the box that states 'Save text log file'

[Image: 966143cc48a296513b4d80ae07285906.png]

Option B:
With UO closed browse to the directory that your 'Sanctuary' files are located at. (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Sanctuary) find the file called 'UO.cfg'. You'll open this with a text editor. Wordpad and notepad will do the trick if you don't have anything else installed (Notepad++, TextPad, etc.)

You're looking for the lines 'SaveJournal' and 'JournalSaveUnicode'
SaveJournal should be set to on:
JournalSaveUnicode should be set to off:

[Image: 9e6bf51b4ee8a6c98e45bedb80c29965.png]

If your UO client was open, you'll want to close it (and any other clients you have open, before proceeding).

Next, you actually need to tell it where you want to save the journal. 

It's important to understand how your config files inherit settings. Character config files are unique, and they're applied last.

Using my previous folder path example:

UO.cfg in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Sanctuary folder is the 'master' config file. If your new character does not have a config file then any settings you define here are applied first. Unique settings such as speech/emote/whisper hues can vary per character and are pulled from a separate UO.cfg file in each character's particular folder.

It flows like this assuming you have not made any of changes which might redirect these files

C:\Program Files (x86)\Sanctuary\UO.cfg
C:\Program Files (x86)\Sanctuary\Desktop\(your account name)\Sanctuary\(Your Character's name)\UO.cfg

So if I had two characters:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Sanctuary\Desktop\Myaccount\Sanctuary\Kal Halfroad\UO.cfg (I want to make my edits in THIS uo.cfg file, not the main one)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Sanctuary\Desktop\Myaccount\Sanctuary\Sal Wholeroad\UO.cfg

When you browse to that file and open it up, you'll want to add a line right under 'ClientLogin=' that reads 'JournalSaveFile='

The blurred part is just my account name, whatever your account name is, it'll be in the path.

[Image: 359eef682c81c7c2b3a3e56ff2d61d07.png]

after that 'Save' your uo.cfg file.

Now log on to the character in question maybe shout out a few OOC lines, then close your client.

If we browse to the folder, and text file, we specified we can see that a file called kaljournal.txt definitely exists.

[Image: c4f0535b33149edd60e3358e9ac31f44.png]

If we open kaljournal.txt we'll see that logging is working.

[Image: e447abda6e304ba2c17fd003e8f3e67f.png]

Happy journaling, and if you weren't already aware of this, I hope it helped!

I am reserving this space for readability


I have multiple characters, and my journals all seem to be saved to one giant file.
  • Positioning in the uo.cfg file for each character actually matters. Make sure you've saved your unique 'JournalSavePath=' immediately under 'ClientLogin=' in that character's UO.cfg file.
  • Check to make sure there isn't a default 'JournalSavePath=' defined in the main Uo.cfg file where your Sanctuary files are

I can't save my uo.cfg file
  • Make sure your client is closed if you're directly editing your UO.cfg file for best results. If you're still getting permissions errors, sometimes you might need to make a copy of it and place it somewhere you KNOW you can save it (e.g. your desktop) and then copy it back in to your Sanctuary folder.
My Journal file is saving but it looks like thisW e l c o m e , K a l H a l f r o a d !
  • Make sure that in your character's UO.cfg and in the main UO.cfg file that 'JournalSaveUnicode=Off'
It's not on the boards, but it is on the wiki: Smile

-- Magic is real, unless declared integer
Oh, man! I never knew about option A. Thanks!
(10-15-2019, 02:15 PM)Halikar Wrote: It's not on the boards, but it is on the wiki: Smile

Doh! I went and looked, and it does pretty much cover all the same steps minus the pictures. Feel free to cannibalize this if you want
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