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Galathan's Application
Discord Id - Erik Gray#2453

Previous Characters - None
Character Name - Galathan
Character Race & Sub-Race - Human
Alternate Graphic - N/A
Character Description - Approximately six feet tall, about 13 to 14 stone in weight. Dusty blonde hair and beard flecked with bits of gray. Old scars criss cross any visible parts of his body, though they do appear to be many years old.
Shard Plot Line (Strengths & Weaknesses) - As a newcomer to these lands, Galathan is at a loss when it comes to knowledge of the current socio-political climate. He has years of warfare experience both on the front lines and behind a map, but those years have gone by and his body is not quite what it used to be. Instead of solving problems with a sword, he has sought to solve them with a pen and negotiations, and even a shrewd ploy every now and again. How these skills will aid him in this new place is not yet known.
Special Role-play Ability - N/A
Previous World - Galathan is a native of Sosaria, where he was a ranking council member for the Moonglow Town Council (RP guild based out of Atlantic) for over a decade.

Backstory - Over the course of many years in the lands of Sosaria, Galathan carried out numerous military and diplomatic campaigns in the name of Moonglow and the virtue of Honesty. In the waning years of this career, he did grow somewhat disillusioned and distant from what was his home city for so long, primarily spurred on by the gradually-mounting deaths of loved ones and friends. When he could not bare the losses any further, he set sail away from the island and lived in isolation for many years. He became an avid reader of any old tomes he could collect and his abilities with swords waned. 

One evening, after years of relative solitude and peace, Galathan fell asleep and went into what he thought was a deep dream. However, upon "waking" he discovered that he was in these strange new lands and everything that came before, his entire life, the friends and wife that he lost, all of it, felt as though those were the dream. He hasn't discovered the reason yet as to why he is in this new place, but some gut-dwelling intuition believes that he was brought here for a reason, it just needs to reveal itself...
As a side-note, he would be demi-human. "Regular" humans are only NPCs.

That said, thumbs up!
thumbs up
Thumbs up!
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