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Yup, back again with another character application. I'd normally hold off on posting this one until the approval of my other open application, but this character is specifically being requested for participation in Lara's upcoming daytime storyline.

Discord Id -

Previous Characters
Likeu, Aurelien Stuart

Character Name -

Character Race & Sub-Race-
Aelfeyn - Wood elf

Alternate Graphic
Eagle -

Character Description -
Fearghal is somewhat tall at 6'3" with a lithe frame bordering on gaunt. His straw blonde hair pours over his shoulder in a manner that is somehow both unkempt and manicured at the same time. Even in conversation, his focus rarely lingers one any one person, tending to wander on anything and everything. When focused, however, his piercing blue eyes seem to peer right through you.

Shard Plot Line -
Fearghal has been brought to Sanctuary to act as nature's champion - advocating a balance between town and forest. His kingdom of residence is likely to be Raeyithia.

Special Role-play Ability-
I'm having some trouble coming up with an ability I like. I'll be leaving this section blank for the time being.

Previous World
Fearghal originates from a parallel Earth where humanity, elves, and Fey co-mingled before the widespread advent of human civilization.

Backstory -
Fearghal was raised in a small elven community in the forests of what would eventually be called Gaul. Upon reaching maturity, he opted to leave his community and live in the groves and forests. Centuries passed in this fashion.

Eventually, scattered bands of human settlements begun cropping up. Fearghal initially observed the new arrivals with detached curiosity. A dialogue was opened at some point, with nearby small villages seeking him out regularly for his wisdom, knowledge and occasional healing.

Being receptive to his counsel, Fearghal grew to develop some affection for his charges. The arrival of the Romans then was met with no small degree of horror. Their campaign of pacification cut and burned its way through village and forest alike. Disgusted by what he saw and what he guessed was to come, Fearghal turned his back on the world of his birth. Letting the paths of the forest take him where it may, he set out to find another forest to protect.
Thumbs up. If you later add a special ability, be sure to add a new reply asking for secondary approval for it.
thumbs up
Thumbs up.

Contrary to popular belief, the wings of demons are the same as the wings of angels, although they're often better groomed.

--Neil Gaiman
thumbs up!
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