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Previous Characters
Likeu, Aurelien Stuart (current)

Character Name -

Character Race & Sub-Race-
Summon - Wisp

Alternate Graphic
Wisp -

Character Description -

In her humanoid form,  Lysilia (or Lys for short) stands at 5'4". Normally, her eyes are blue but on occasion she forgets what color they're supposed to be and they may end up grey, green, or brown. Her hair is a deep crimson, looking almost like velvet in the right light. Easily distracted, in times of heightened emotions the outline of her human form can shimmer, becoming translucent or blurry as she forgets to expend the necessary energy to maintain her form.

Shard Plot Line -

Intensely curious to the point of recklessness and occasional amorality, Lysilia has been summoned to Sanctuary to act as an instrument of knowledge gathering. She is like to seek out the Library of Andus and its attendant Order at her earliest opportunity.

Special Role-play Ability-

A dedicated seeker of truth, when Lysilia reaches a dead end in her investigations, she may revert to her wisp form and diffuse her mind outward. This allows her to pluck a hint or clue to point her in the right direction, even in face of the most entrenched mysteries. (obviously within reason and dependent on other player's OOC consent)

Previous World -

Lysilia comes from a near-Earth world at the beginning of the early modern era, where the existence of magic is a settled fact and approached in a scholarly fashion.

Backstory -

Lysilia wiped the fatigue from her eyes. Thirty six hours of translating Aramaic, Latin, and Greek and transcribing sigils had sapped her to the point of collapse. Sleep tugged at her, growing more and more insistent. If she stopped for more than a few seconds, that would be it.

She couldn't stop now. This was the culmination of her career, her entire field of study. Neglected responsibilities, abandoned family, spurned lovers - it would all be worth it. All she had to do was-


The diagram was complete. Not even reviewing it a second time, she stood up with a start. Her back screamed in protest. How long had she been hunched over her desk for? Tt didn't matter.

She pushed the desk to the corner, books and vials clattering to the floor. It was not important if the racket woke up a colleague. It was too late to stop her now.

Chalk in hand, she fell to scrawling upon the floor like a woman possessed. Her feverish intensity belied her tired state, all inclinations to sleep firmly banished.

Within minutes it was complete, her magnum opus. To an amateur's eye, it appeared as a standard transmutation circle. In reality, it was a syncretic masterpiece, drawing inspiration and symbols from no less than fourteen different magical traditions. Circle, gateway, and key all in one.

Her eyes closed and she found the familiar note in her head that started all her magic. The note became a hum, became a buzz, became deafening. The circle was hungry, and more energy than she'd ever experienced before was pouring through her, into it.

This was far more than she'd calculated. Every nerve ending should be screaming. Yet she felt nothing.

She opened her eyes and realized why. She was unraveling. Her body, her anchor to the mortal plan, was dissolving. She knew she couldn't stop. She hoped the rest of the process would be quick. It was not.

Time didn't mean much on the other side. If you ask her about her sojourn, she could only describe the end. It was a snag, like a fish on a hook. It pulled at her very essence, before wrenching her back through.

That was six months ago by local reckoning. Since then she has been re-learning this side's magical techniques and searching for the one who summoned her.
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Thumbs up.

Contrary to popular belief, the wings of demons are the same as the wings of angels, although they're often better groomed.

--Neil Gaiman
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