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Josephine Althaus
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Character Name:
Josephine Althaus
Character Race & Sub-Race:
Human / Witch
Alternate Graphic:
Character Description:
Josephine is an echo of the fallen heroes of Nöth. Although she is of average height and weight, her figure is commanded with such ease that it speaks of power in its unwavering, focused control. Her countenance exudes misplaced nobility, pale flesh stretched across high, wide cheekbones that taper down into a narrow chin. Her lips are stained a healthy pink beneath a pointed nose, but they seldom spare a smile except for the benefit of present company. Light honey brown tresses spill like a thick mane around her face and shoulders, a chaos permitted for a lack of appreciation of perfect order within war as her ancestors had known before her. Darker, neatly arched brows and thick lashes accentuate blue-grey eyes set deep within the woman’s skull. Her voice tends to be reminiscent of an augur, gentle enough to be that of a humble farm girl and smooth enough to be that of visionary capable of talking a dying man into a peaceful end.
Shard Plot Line:
Josephine may need to find her bearings at first, but she’s been raised on war stories from the history of her own world. In short time, she’ll rise to meet the struggle demanded of all those who mean to survive the war.  
Special Roleplay Ability:
She is an amazing cook, and she makes some bomb stew.
Previous World:
Nöth was a small world born into chaos and rife with the cruelties of foul monstrosities and the fury of dying gods. For thousands of years, the world did not know peace, and its people were a hardy and wretched bunch. Its final war witnessed most of what was left of its men perish within bloodied swamplands and usher in a new age of peace, which Nöth had never known before. Josephine was a small child when the final battle was won, and she was raised by the haunted heroes of it.
Foliage grew where soldiers’ heavy foot marches had kept it from doing so for hundreds of years. In the scars of the old, new life allowed the world’s broken people to finally hope and dream within the promise of an era in which the last of the gods were dead and the last of the demons were the sparse and weakened shadows of what they had once been. Josephine found respite with what survived of her family on an idyllic farm. There, she tended to the animals while her brothers worked the fields.
Their generation did not understand the same fear that that of their parents did, so Josephine was patient when her disabled father set a barn aflame for the sighting of one frail demon, a remnant of the great evil that had once been. She even humored her tense mother when she stockpiled food, clothes, and weaponry only to then insist upon the development of what defensive devices were inherent in magic and required no great material without the soul.
The gods were blamed for the long war, and the worship of any divine was thought to be such a dangerous offense that some of the battle-scarred men would kill their own brothers if they witnessed the practice of a whispered prayer. Yet cults existed within the realm, and there were those who attempted to raise the odd god or, more commonly, heal the one they claimed had only ever been maimed but never killed. Some of the cults insisted Nöth’s peace was the work of an ailing god, still to be saved from death’s grip.
Josephine did not believe nor truly worship… but just in case, she offered wordless prayers and gratitude to the sky at night until the zealots brought a burlap sack over her head and placed a wicked blade against her throat to bleed her out for their god. There was a split second that she believed as they did, for she felt no pain. But their sacrifice was stolen from the blade and from the world. Josephine awoke in Sanctuary, initially believing herself to have died.
Remember, any human in Sanctuary is technically a Demi-Human.

With that in mind, looks great. Thumbs up!
Hi there! I enjoyed reading this app! =)

I do have one question for you, and will point you to this particular application question:

Shard Plot Line -

Access to the world map is restricted to those characters who are intending to active participate in the shard plot line. Please explain how you intend for your character to be involved.

Do you plan on playing on the larger world map? If so, do you think you could clarify this character's role just a bit more/with more detail?

You wrote:

Shard Plot Line:

Josephine may need to find her bearings at first, but she’s been raised on war stories from the history of her own world. In short time, she’ll rise to meet the struggle demanded of all those who mean to survive the war.  

Are there any Noble Houses you are interested in joining? A specific God/Goddess that you might have an allegiance to, or a certain purpose your character is driven to fulfill here, in this world?

Contrary to popular belief, the wings of demons are the same as the wings of angels, although they're often better groomed.

--Neil Gaiman
I want my character to have the potential to play on the larger world map, but I also don’t want to write out one linear path that my character must take. That said, Josephine is from a militant world. She never served amidst the armies of Nöth, but even in its time of peace, the people of her world believed they each had a role to play in the grand scheme of things. They were each a cog in the proverbial machine.

The current Noble Houses each look interesting for their own reasons, but I would want to roleplay with various individuals or find some cause that moves my character to enlist, so to speak. The Kingdom of Emlyn might suit the character best – or the Kingdom of Miðrvegr, depending on how the story goes. Josephine’s fresh off of the farm and meant to be swayed heavily in direction by roleplay itself, even if it’s just who she happens upon in Summer Isle.

For a starting point, however, Josephine is from a somber world and is of an honest upbringing. She’s honorbound and dutiful in her service to the people of the world, and now that she’s not in Nöth, this is her world. She’ll probably start off just trying to come to terms with how she’s been plucked from one world and thrown into another. It’ll inspire mistrust in gods but maybe, eventually, also faith. She might be happy to try to sell food or lumber to make a living from the get-go, and then she’ll likely be more inclined to lend her life to whichever force makes the most compelling argument when it comes to ending the war and bringing about peace. It is very likely that she will become some kind of soldier.
Answer covers what I need to know, approved
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