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Mining and smelting bug
Earlier today, I was mining and then moving the ore over to the smelter.  When I went to smelt it said I was mining and could not do both at the same time.

So now, I cannot mine or smelt.  I have tried logging out for about 5-10 minutes, and then also dying to try to 'reset' my character.  Nothing has fixed the state.

Thanks for the help!

[Image: Chester-Signature-1.jpg]
I encouter the same problem. Can't mine or smelt anymore.
Edit : after a few hours pause, still stuck, seems to be permanent.
Edit n° 2 : Now that it comes to my mind, i think that when I left the mining area because i was full, I didn't get the message "you are too far away to continue mining", or something like that...
This should be fixed with the server update today. Msg me in discord if it happens again!
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