Discord Id - Wormwood#4903
Previous Characters: Jug'Jug Wyrmwood , Gadget Wyrmwood - Grimmwold.
Character Name - Grub Hogwater Spittledrum
[img]<a href=[/img]
" />
Character Race & Sub-Race- Hoggur/ Mud Goblin
Alternate Graphic - Horde Demon Graphic (Maybe Hued Dark Brown or Dark Green)
Character Description - Standing 3'5 Grub has a hard time hiding his Hoggur self even in his Human glamour form. He's covered with warts and boils; sporting a snaggle toothed yellowed green with gaps where some have been knocked out. Two black eyes, dark as coal stare out with tiny pin pricks of white pupils, one wandering as if not all there. Under his pug nose is glued a mustache of some animal fur maybe in mocking of humans, or simply because he can't grow one in his glamour. As a Hoggur/Mud Goblin he is little different, dark of skin, warty, large black eyes, a wide maw, stout and quick on his feet. He's confident for a Goblin, a trained solider and knight of the Goblin Kingdom back home but often plays the beggar and fool here around people to get what he wants. He is a little bit of a dirt bag, overly forward, grouchy at times but his heart is mostly good when he's not joking about being bad.
Shard Plot Line - Currently looking for a Great/Noble/Royal House that fits his interests - since there aren't really any Hoggur heavy organizations yet maybe the Wolf's Judgement, maybe the Wild Hunt - nothing really fits at the moment.
Special Role-play Ability- Grub is VERY fertile and takes every chance he can to brag about it. The magics on this world have only enhanced this Labyrinth ability and it's not uncommon for him to be carrying around one or two of his spawns.. a half Grub/Bullfrog, a rat with goblin eyes and ears. He makes no exception for number of legs, eyeballs or even the sex of his lovers; usually to their surprise.
Previous World - From the Goblin City - Jim Henson's world of Labyrinth
Backstory -
Unlike many of unruly Goblins from Goblin City, Grub was raised in a military family, one of the many children of Pajan Spittledrum, a solider of the army, whom protested Jareth's rule over the Goblin people. Seeing how Jareth could not impose his will fully over the Labyrinth, Spittledrum saw this as weakness and this belief was shared with his children. Combined with Goblin prejudice, the family felt that only a Goblin should rule the Goblin Kingdom and during a small coup staged by his father outside the city gates Grub fell in battle with Jareth and the still loyal royal guards. He would never learn that his father was later given the title of Mayor of Goblin City in an attempt to cement new loyalty after the battle.
Grub awoke in this new world dazed and confused in the swamps of Summer Isle, quickly making friends with the Goblins there but he longed for the big city life back home and quickly left the backwater hovels for the central Summer Isle. Not expecting so many humans, elves and other races he was taken aback for a while but has settled into a simple life of running errands, tending the soil and pants, digging for worms and fishing. He generally plays the fool around non-Hoggur, finding this often the best way to get what he wants. Although untrusting of non-Goblin/Hoggur leadership maybe one day he will find a new King to follow that isn't as jaded and cruel as Jareth once was or perhaps he will join a movement of Hoggur to stand witha new kingdom in this strange land.
Previous Characters: Jug'Jug Wyrmwood , Gadget Wyrmwood - Grimmwold.
Character Name - Grub Hogwater Spittledrum
[img]<a href=[/img]
![[Image: goblin1.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/1dGJYqx/goblin1.jpg)
Character Race & Sub-Race- Hoggur/ Mud Goblin
Alternate Graphic - Horde Demon Graphic (Maybe Hued Dark Brown or Dark Green)
Character Description - Standing 3'5 Grub has a hard time hiding his Hoggur self even in his Human glamour form. He's covered with warts and boils; sporting a snaggle toothed yellowed green with gaps where some have been knocked out. Two black eyes, dark as coal stare out with tiny pin pricks of white pupils, one wandering as if not all there. Under his pug nose is glued a mustache of some animal fur maybe in mocking of humans, or simply because he can't grow one in his glamour. As a Hoggur/Mud Goblin he is little different, dark of skin, warty, large black eyes, a wide maw, stout and quick on his feet. He's confident for a Goblin, a trained solider and knight of the Goblin Kingdom back home but often plays the beggar and fool here around people to get what he wants. He is a little bit of a dirt bag, overly forward, grouchy at times but his heart is mostly good when he's not joking about being bad.
Shard Plot Line - Currently looking for a Great/Noble/Royal House that fits his interests - since there aren't really any Hoggur heavy organizations yet maybe the Wolf's Judgement, maybe the Wild Hunt - nothing really fits at the moment.
Special Role-play Ability- Grub is VERY fertile and takes every chance he can to brag about it. The magics on this world have only enhanced this Labyrinth ability and it's not uncommon for him to be carrying around one or two of his spawns.. a half Grub/Bullfrog, a rat with goblin eyes and ears. He makes no exception for number of legs, eyeballs or even the sex of his lovers; usually to their surprise.
Previous World - From the Goblin City - Jim Henson's world of Labyrinth
Backstory -
Unlike many of unruly Goblins from Goblin City, Grub was raised in a military family, one of the many children of Pajan Spittledrum, a solider of the army, whom protested Jareth's rule over the Goblin people. Seeing how Jareth could not impose his will fully over the Labyrinth, Spittledrum saw this as weakness and this belief was shared with his children. Combined with Goblin prejudice, the family felt that only a Goblin should rule the Goblin Kingdom and during a small coup staged by his father outside the city gates Grub fell in battle with Jareth and the still loyal royal guards. He would never learn that his father was later given the title of Mayor of Goblin City in an attempt to cement new loyalty after the battle.
Grub awoke in this new world dazed and confused in the swamps of Summer Isle, quickly making friends with the Goblins there but he longed for the big city life back home and quickly left the backwater hovels for the central Summer Isle. Not expecting so many humans, elves and other races he was taken aback for a while but has settled into a simple life of running errands, tending the soil and pants, digging for worms and fishing. He generally plays the fool around non-Hoggur, finding this often the best way to get what he wants. Although untrusting of non-Goblin/Hoggur leadership maybe one day he will find a new King to follow that isn't as jaded and cruel as Jareth once was or perhaps he will join a movement of Hoggur to stand witha new kingdom in this strange land.